Thursday, December 16, 2004

Old Lovers

Something I wrote earlier sparked me to go and search online for two old lovers - Mike and Jeremy.  *smiles*

Mike was my first college boyfriend - a compulsive liar & cheater, but brilliant, gorgeous (gorgeous!), a gentleman (he could make you feel like a queen as long as you ignored how many other queens he had) and sexy. oohh child. Eat him up with a SPOON. Younger than me too - by almsot 9 months, which we both got a real giggle out of.

Jeremy was - older, HUGE (in every which way), smart - loving - but he was never 'really' my boyfriend. He was in love with me - still says it broke his heart to hear that I was getting married - and while he was the best fuck buddy I've ever had - I just COULDN'T get into a relationship with him.

Got me thinking about - writing something using that. Old Lovers. Airport? Airplane. Sitting an aisle or two away. What happens? What do they talk about? What do they feel?

Eh. Maybe.

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