Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I think I like freaking myself out thinking that I might be pregnant. I know how my cycles run - the next months cycle starts 2-4 days after the previous months did - so for example, if I started on the 11th of November, this month, I should start between the 13th and 15th of December. Simple, right? The only problem is - my dilly ass can never remember WHEN I started the previous month. Was it the 9th? Or was that two months ago? Was it the 15th? Or should that have been this month?

And since my mom got pregnant with ME with an IUD (yes, 30 years (oh my god!) ALMOST 30 years ago) I'm even more - squeaked out.

So, every month I go through this stupid little mental tango with myself of how long I can wait to see my period. And it's rather stupid really - either it's going to show up, or it's not. And if it doesn't - well, answers that question, doesn't it?

Still - for roughly the week BEFORE my period - I'm insane.

So - I'm going to start this new chapter - that is going to be JUST for me to keep trackof my cycle. Hell, once I DO wannaactually get knocked up, it'll be a useful tool if it doesn't happen in the first few go-rounds, shall we say?

And, if (heaven fortend!) I'm pregnant now (GRICK!!) it'll just smoothly switch over to an oops! too little too late chapter.


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