Saturday, March 10, 2007

*happy dance*

Good hair times, Good hair times.

So - I left work, and went to the BSS. I wanted some more deep conditioner and I had'nt been to the BSS up the street from me yet.
I spent an hour in that place, picking up bottles, reading the ingredients, hitting the words 'mineral oil' or 'petrolatum' or my personal favorite 'parafidum liquidum', sighing and putting the bottle back on the shelf.
I mean, really - if I wanted to put a mix of mineral oil, vaseline, and water in my hair, I could whip that up at home.
The ones that passed the petrol exam, usually failed dismally at the cone-free test. I figure it this way - I KNOW that I have exceptionally dry hair. I'm looking for an exceptionally moisturizing conditioner - but if I get one that has cones in it - my hair isn't going to be able to be fully moisturized throughout the week - and well, that defeats the bloody purpose!

So - I walked out of there with two conditioners (after an HOUR), one moisturizing conditioner (Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Hair Conditioner), one protien rich conditioner (Remedi Hi-Potentcy Protien Moisturizing Conditioner), a hair creme (Cream of Nature Nature's Design Mositruizing Creme Hairdress with Carrot Oil and Vitamin E), and a 12 oz container of gylcerin.

Okay. The protien stuff I got, because - well, I'm sick of the coconut milk mix. It's too damn thin, and it's drippy, and it gets EVERYWHERE, and it attracts ants. So, if my hair likes this stuff, it's going to take the place of that on the 3rd week.

Despite the fact that my hair doesn't seem to like glycerin (it HATED StaSofFro and wasn't all that fond of Greg Juice), but I think I might like to add a bit of it into my nightly misting spray - I think that it will help my hair suck that 'moist' air from around my head into my hair. I rubbed a bit of it into my hair in the store, and my hair seemed to like it, so we'll see.

The hairdress I got is because I don't think that the whipped pudding alone is quite as moisturizing as it should be - so I'm thinking about using this stuff on my wet hair, then putting the WP on top of it. It'll be interesting to see what my hair thinks of it.

Then, I came home, and started detangling my hair....well, really, I started detangling my hair on my way how (playing with my hair in the car is a fabulous thing).
And MUCH to my delightful suprise, I had little breakage. I don't think I've ever really explained JUST how much breakage I could get. I would touch my hair, and tiny piece would come off in my fingers - detangling my hair would leave me with a HUGE pile of hair - and most of it was broken pieces. I wanted to cry sometimes - seriously, that's what put me on this crazy moisturemoisturemoisture kick. Half the time, I didn't even SHE shed hairs - I think they just crumbled into wee pieces.
Yesterday - I was getting MUCH fewer strands of hair, and they were LONG pieces, too - many of the with the bulb still on! :hollie
So - that makes me VERY excited. With the amount of breakage that I had, I was seriously worried about preserving my ends - now that I actually want to KEEP these ends!!

I'm gonna calculate my yearly growth rate in TWO months!! (Yet another reason I want to preserve my ends!).

Interestingly enough, my hair is more - consistent, now? It's - really fabulous. I'm not loosing any curl - it's still as nappy as it's always been - but it's - it's working WITH itself. I'm actually able to rock a really cool, pretty, natural looking shake & go now - it actually just - settles. It's really amazing the difference that having the color in my hair made - I LIKE my hair. Now, I jsut wanna get it long.

I know this is a BOOK. :lol: So I'll stop now.

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