Thursday, March 1, 2007

(ya'll are) Rocking me.....


So, I had always HEARD of Queen right? I mean, who living in today's day & age HASN'T heard of Queen? But I didn't really know anything about them - I thought they might be one of those headache (at least for me) inducing hard core screaming rock/metal bands.

But - last time I was buying music, I picked up Queen: Greatest Hits - We Will Rock You Edition.


DUDE!!!!!! Queen did all THESE songs? I've been alternating between feeling like I need to do a proper headbanging (with rock on hands thrust in the air), and feeling like I should have a lighter held up and swaying. I'm throughly enjoying this!!


What other rock (metal? pop? the heck IS Queen?) bands have I potentially missed out on through pure raw avoidance?

I'm not even going to talk about how buying (not even LISTENING to - jsut buying) the We Might Be Giants album opened my eyes to a world of inside jokes I didn't. even. know. I. was. MISSING!

So - culturally speaking - who else should I be looking out for?? Hrrrmmm?

*rocks out*

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