Thursday, March 29, 2007

*happy dance*

About a month or so ago, in a fit of hopeful anticipation, I requested this Friday and Monday off, so that ya know - in CASE TheBoy actually wasn't working, we would be able to go someplace - nothing too fancy... we were thinking of jsut riding down to Tunica, getting a hotel room and a massage, and relaxing.

But. Since Mr.Man is not only the Exec, but also the Iterim F&B Manager, and his 'sous' chef does stupid shit like buying Velveeta for a cheese platter when they have an entire fridge full of cheese (Doh!), he's going to be at work for most of the weekend. We ARE still going out to dinner - and he actually made the reservations, which REALLY makes me feel special, as I'm usually the one to do that. Ahhh, love.

Now, a normal type girl would be - a little down maybe - that an aniversary wouldn't be celebrated with a big shindig. Me, though? I'm kinda stoked. For two reasons.

1) We aren't spending money- even the dinner is mostly free. Yeah, I'm THAT cheap.
2) It gives me a 4 day weekend! With no plans!!

I could hang out with the SG folx - they have bowling Saturday night, and then a Looney Tunes rit on Sunday, but I'm not.

Instead - I'm going to set up the garden!! I have to empty the car of all the HDespot crap that I've been carting around all week (what? I haven't felt like unloading the car! ) to make room for MORE home despot crap.

So far - these are my plans for the Four Day Weekend.

1) Set up the Garden. This includes making the raised beds, tilling/ripping the last bit of greenery still alive under the carpet and leveling the ground a little, setting up the beds, and filling them with dirt and compost. If I'm feeling REALLY froggy, I'll try to plant some seeds, too.

2) Install at least ONE ceiling fan. We got four (replacing all of the fans in the house, and that's what's been rattling around the 'trunk' all week), but I think that the one in the bedroom is the most important, as Mr. Hotblooded decided to turn on the upstairs A/C last night. Dude! It's really NOT that hot - but without air circulation, it gets purty darn warm upstairs.

3) Give myself extensions. I've been saying that I'm going to put in yarn twists for MONTHS - but I was waiting til all the red was out of my hair. It's all out - and I don't know the next time I'll have a really FREE weekend (where I can be at home allllll weekend) so, I'm going to at least TRY.

*happy dance*twirling*singing*breaks out into a musical routine*


I plan on taking LOTS of pictures, so I can record the hard HARD work I'm about to put in tomorrow. I'm actually kinda hoping that it rains, as the rain keeps down the squeeters, and makes the dirt softer.

Anything in particular ya'll wanna see pictures of?

Woot! Time to go - have a lovely weekend, ya'll!

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