Saturday, March 10, 2007


Cherry Clots.

I'm passing these huge cherry sized (and colored - like extra wipe cherries - shiny and so red it's black) clots.... I'm amazed by this - it's like my uterus is shedding itself it clots rather than liquid.

The thing that really amazes me is that I haven't cramped - not once - I'm passing these clots like they are liquid graceful thin and smooth.

Was it the vitex? I don't know - now I'm torn. Should I? The pure - THICKNESS of this lining is amazing me - little pieces of liver. What a wonderful place for an embryo to plant it's head/villi.

I'm on CD7 now, and - it's interesting.

I jsut wanted to note that. Cuz Dude.

And I WASN'T pregnant. And I'm not cramping - that's what's really amazing me....normally, I cramp anytime I have a really clotty period. This time - nothing. I FORGET I'm on my period on a regular basis. Okay.

Maybe I will start taking Vitex again. Hrrrrmmmmmm.....


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