Wednesday, February 23, 2005

*grin* *grin* *grin*


Really - we clicked. The company is cool. Their schedule is CRAZY. The city is warm. I'm as positive as I can be without actually SEEING the offer that they are going to MAKE an offer. Now - the only debate is money. Well- not a debate with them, but...well - not really a debate. I'm wondering how much they are going to offer. They definitely need me DESPARATELY *hheheheheh* and soon. Everyone I interviewed with was VERY positive about me - they tried their best to scare me with the details of what they do - but I took it all as 'CHALLLLLANGE!!!!'.

Memphis itself was lovely! Soooo warm - flowers and trees blooming - just all the signs of a true southern spring!

I'm -'s just  a waiting game now - waiting to see how much money they offer.

The sucky part? C thinks that he may have found a REALLY good job here! Eeek! I KNOW that if they offer me anything that starts with a 7, I'm snatching it up - and I'll be moving in a MONTH (or less) but - he might really want to stay here. Ugh! He's still thinking about it though -and I'm trying my DAMNEDST to just keep my mouth shut and let him make his choice. Though of COURSE - I want him to come WITH me dammit. Dammit. And as they are willing to help pay to break the lease (though I never did double check our lease to see the restrictions) it'll most likely be

*taps foot impatiently*
*bounces somemore*

Update 9:52am - Talked to the recruiter. He said their excited, and he's glad to hear that I'm excited.  Told him that I refuse to go a dime below 70K.  The usual upcharge for switching positions is 15%, and I told him that I make 62K now (actually 58K - but once the bonus is factored in, it's 62K). That, plus 15%, is 71K. - yes, I'm a tricksy girl. He said he's going to try for 75K, and if they balk, he'll go to 72K plus a signing bonus. *twitch* I might have to wait a day or two, huh? Shite.

Update 10:21am -Talked to the recruiter. 72.5K!!! plus a 2.5K signing bonus!!! I accepted!!! I'VE GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *giddy* *hot* *grinnin*


I gotta go call C.

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