Monday, February 28, 2005


So - I got here at 9am, stayed till 10:30am, ran out - took the drug test, expressed mailed the paperwork back to IP, got back at 12:30, worked for about an hour, scarfed down lunch, made another lunch date, and now it's 2.
It's snowing like HELL (hell is cold - you are aware of that, right?) and I'm bored stupid. I decided to sit on my hands (literally if need be) to NOT turn in my letter of resignation until AFTER I get the signed paperwork back. I hate drug tests - have I ever mentioned that? I just don't TRUST them - which is funny, since the reason they make me take them is cuz they don't trust me. Ah well - the chickie at the lab said it should be about a day or two (tuesday & wednesday) so hopefully I'll hear something from them on Friday. Which would mean that my last day here would HAVE to be the 18th, which would then only give me a WEEKEND to get my ass to Memphis to be able to be there on the 21st. Of course, itf they set the date at the 28th, that would be swwweeeett - butI doubt it.

Gah - I need to get shtanking drunk so I can forget, just for a little while. I whipped through like 6 books this weekend since when I'm in their world I'm not in fine, which is really all good - but - GAH! I reaaalllly hate waiting.

Got a doctors appt tommorow - hopefully it won't take TOO long - though of course, it's not as if I care anyhow. Gah. My brain/heart is soooo not here anymore. and I'm not busy enough to keep my focus. I suppose I could run a test, butI really don't bloody feel like it.



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