Friday, February 11, 2005

Interview Redux - edited

Well - I have to say I think it went rather well for a first interview. I was still kinda nervous, but I was able to answer all of her questions - accurately. It sounds like their project is moving even faster than ours - AND it's bigger - and I could make almost 25K more. *shakes head* Blows my mind it does. And! The cost of living is LOWER there.....
But - they are going to try to set up a second interview next week - *bouncy* excited am I!

Got an second interview set-up - Tuesday at 11am - now the question is, what should I bone up on beforehand - if anything? What questions should I ask the team members?

And C has also had a couple of interviews - I'm hoping that he gets the job with the 'high-end' corporate food service place, because that way, they might be willing to transfer him someplace else once I get a job.

Most excited.

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