Monday, February 21, 2005

Week Two

Well - one good thing about Atkins - it provides results quickly. I'm down ten whole pounds (whooohooo!) and feel like I have a bit of a handle on things.

I've been documenting everything on my Calorie King (finally got the damn reg.code for it) and I LOVE it. Not only does it have damn near EVERYTHING in it (I mean, seriously) it's also sovery conveinent - and it lets me keep track of the calories and the carbs and in case I want to give myself some wiggle room - the fiber too.

What else? I haven't started exercising yet (bad girl) cuz I'm so bloody stressed and tired - but I'm going to give myself a month then start. So yeah - like March 15th. I haven't really figured out what I'm going to do - I'm thinking about the extreme weights class again  - that really rocked. But at the same time, I'm so into myself that I hate exercising with other people - I'm too damn judgemental.

Hmm....maybe - if I get this job - I'll hire a personal trainer (see J, this is how you manage to make more money and still spend it all). That would workfor me I think - having someone who ISN'T related to me all up in my ass on a regular basis, and who actually knows what the hell s/he is talking about. Hm. And I don't want none of that girly shit either - all cardio. I hate cardio for one thing, and for another weights work you both ways - so screw that. I Luurrrvvveee lifting weights.

Okay - I keep going off on one tangent or another. I just need to sit back, relax and BREATHE until tommorow.



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