Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Seriously sista.....

Whhoooaa boy. Stepped on the scale yesterday (in preparation for getting BACK on Atkins today!) And glory got DAMN! *sigh* Rolling down that hill again I am. So - seriously - I'm starting today.
I have this book called the miracle of mindfulness - I'm going to read that one tonight, after we get home from grocery shopping. I figure that is a large part of my issue with a lot of things - I tend to start running on automatic instead of living in the moment and really THINING about what I'm doing/eating/breathing/saying. So - that's really lazy - or maybe easy is a better word - the path of least resistance - and I'm going to stop that.

That's my weekly goal this week and next - be aware. Stop dulling my mind with multitasking. If I'm reading - read. Don't read and watch TV. If I'm eating - eat. Dont' eat and read (HARD ONE). If I'm talking to C - talk - don't chat online at the same time. Focus and enjoy and respect everything that I do at once rather than trying to slam it all together.

I did something yesterday that was stupid, and then did something smart today that made up for it. I was in another work area yesterday, and there were Girl Scout cookies out.  Now, I LOVE Samoas....so Idon't consider the eating of them the stupid thing. The stupid thing was the buying of a whole box from a coworkers who's daughter was selling, and having an entire box of my favorite cookies sitting on my desk this morning - the morning I'm starting back on Atkins. The something smart that I did was walk around my entire team, offering cookies and chitchatting. A few people turned them down -but I had exactly enough cookies for everyone who wanted one. And I didn't eat a single one. That makes me proud of me - I can do the right thing, I just have to put my mind to it.

And this time - I'm actually setting weight goals. I usually try to flitter through it - saying that 'Oh, whatever I lose I lose' but I realize that is removing all sense of accountability from the process. I'm going to try for 1.5 pounds a week. Once I've lost ten pounds, I'm going to start exercising. I haven't decided on the reward yet.

I'm going to actually start out on rock solid induction (BLEH!) and mid-range calories. I LOVE my little Calorie King doohickey on my Palm, as I can set multiple goals - so, if I want to stay under 20 carbs, and under 1500 calories - I can do that, and then easily switch back and forth to see how much I've eaten through my daily allowance. And - it lists almost ANYTHING I could possibly consider eating and it's small and subtle enough to be whipped out at any time.

One thing I do need to do is get a big cup for my water regimen again. I think I might swing by Arby's and see if they still have their giganourmous cups - I like those, they are easy to wash, and they come in pretty colors.

But most importantly - I need to flow day by day by day. Mindfully.

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