Thursday, May 4, 2006


It's done - mostly. We still have to go back to the apartment and collect some little stuff that never got FULLY packed, and clean a bit. We are leaving behind the waterbed frame - so, we will be sleeping on the futon for a while. Umph. We need to put the frame out for pickup if we want our deposit back. The little bastard. Oh! Speaking of little bastards, I have to go and get the cat. *LOL* Almsot forgot about him - I KNEW something was missing at the house though.

And - oh my god! They are totally OUT of the fridge we wanted, so they CANCELLED our order. Dammit, I should have suspected something when it took them so long to get back to us.

Anyhow! Cable is installed (thus, me being online).  Brinks Security is installed - I keep teasing the motion detector in the room I'm in. Movers are gone, and paid.


It's - overwhelming, really. I sit, and look around, and a list as long as my ARM just puddles up in my head as I think about all that I/we want/need to do in here. Painting is just the beginning.

And damn skippy, I'm bringing my compost along! I worked for almost 6 months on that stuff (we aren't going to talk about my grass clipping/leaves swiping sprees I went on around our neighborhood) and it's ALMOST done. I've got one trashbag full (oh! must buy some heavy duty trashbags!) and I plan on packing every lucious, dark brown, garden loving OUNCE of it.

Oh! I have a computer now, so I can charge up the camera so I can take some piccies!! Pictures are GOOOD, yes?

Okay - not going to get distracted - and besides, I'm STARVING.

Ciao ya'll!!

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