Friday, May 5, 2006

Cuz I know ya'll want to be skrippers too!

See what your stripper name will be, and share it with your friends:

A. Follow the instructions to find your new name.

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = Fantasia
b = Chesty
c = Starr
d = Diamond
e = Montana
f = Angel
g = Sugar
h = Mimi
i = Lola
j =Kitty
k = Roxie
l = Dallas
m = Princess
n = Heidi
o = Bambi
p = Bunny
q = Brandy
r = Sugar
s = Candy
t = Raquelle
u = Sapphire
v = Cinnamon
w = Blaze
x = Trixie
y = Isis
z = Jade

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = Leather
b = Dream
c = Sunny
d = Deep
e = Heaven
f = Tight
g = Shimmer
h = Velvet
i = Lusty
j = Harley
k = Passion
l = Dazzle
m = Dixon
n = Spank
o = Glitter
p = Razor
q = Meadow
r = Glitz
s = Sparkle
t = Sweet
u = Silver
v = Tickle
w = Cherry
x = Hard
y = Night
z = Amber

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = hooter
b = horn
c = tower
d = fire
e = thighs
f = hips
g = side
h = jugs
i = shock
j = cocker
k = brook
l = tush
m = sizzle
n = ridge
o = kiss
p = bomb
q = cream
r = thong
s = heat
t = whip
u = cheeks
v = rock
w = hiney
x = button
y = lick
z = juice



In house related news - I shockingly enough managed to fit the ENTIRE remaining contents of the apartment into my car - including, I'd like to add, a MONDO sized bag of compost. Only one, dangit, but I'm happy.

I'm taking a quick direction finding break before I go to Sears and order the other fridge, and I HAVE to find a Sally Beauty - a sister needs some dye and some shampoo!! And we need a new shower curtain, and a new shower curtain rod... and..... I think that'll be in, and I'll finally be in for the night.

Ya know, at one point, I was actually considering WORKING today? What sort of crack was I on?

Pictures!! I didn't realize that the camera I'm using (Thanks again Ms. Bella!!) takes double A batteries, and I was rather puzzled as to why I couldn't charge it. *makes DUhhhhh face* So - I'll pick up some batteries too, and pictures should be coming!

Okay - leyt me go before I get TOO comfy.

Ciao, Bellas!!

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