Monday, May 29, 2006

Wunderbar Weekend

bah - back to work already????!!??

So - the weekend was wonderful!! I think this may have been the FIRST holiday weekend (in six years) that me & C actually both had off from work without using any extra days. We really didn't do much - Saturday, we exercised our brains and figured out timing and coloring for the redecorating process. Our goal is to stick to a set amount per month, and we had to figure out what we could do when - and what made more SENSE to do when - and check that against our rough numbers.  Him having this new job is really going to be a blessing.  Have a mentioned that I plan on quitting in two years? If all goes well - July of 2008 - I'll be quitting AND hopefully will be a mum too. Heh. Mum.

So - Sunday, we did jack all. *laughs* laid around the house, drank, played cards, TALKED (while we were both actually relaxed and awake). Sheesh, considering I LIVE with the man, it's amazing how much we miss each other.

Monday, we actually did active stuff - tore down 99% of the wallpaper in the library (there are a few sticky spots that are going to require personal attention) cleaned the house a bit, grilled out, but otherwise chilled. 6 hours of my day was dedicated to doing my hair (considering it ain't THAT long, I really don't understand the time factor - I mena, I know I have a lot of hair, but DAMN!). I also started looking into loc techniques again. *sigh* The only problem is, most of em ain't free. Though - there is a training session for one (that can actually be translated into a business) in August - but it's almost 2K! *sigh* But  - if we happened to have an exta 2K laying around by then (hey, Powerball, what's up??) then I might go.

Speaking of out of the ordinary/at home jobs - I was talking to both hubby and a friend over the weekend, and they both suggested that I would make a good personal money manager. Not - stocks and bonds and savings and the like - but just the normal day to day stuff for people who are trying to get out of debt. Kinda like a debt conselour, who not only pays the bills for you, but also creates your budget, and all that jazz. A money trainer, rather than a fitnes trainer.  I told them both that sounded like a swift route to being sued, but - it would be fun. I LOVE putting together money - on paper - in ways that let us (at least) continue to - LIVE - without sacrificing EVERYTHING.

That was part of what we talked about - Our budget/debt payoff plan - I always put them together, and run them by him, and tweak as needed. This time, I really think we might have it set - barring any major blowups in the next 6 months. *crosses fingers*

Um. Soooooo don wan be at work today. But - hey! at least it's a short week, AND I get paid tonight.


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