Thursday, May 25, 2006


Baby, can I TELL you how long this week has felt?? And how HAPPY I am that not only is tomorrow FRIDAY, it's also the start of a long weekend??

Let's do general updates, shall we??

Home: Doing good - got some elephant ears from the sister of a coworker, need to find someplace to put them. I understand that they spread (which always makes me giddy anytime someone says that -all that land, I NEED spreading things!!). Haven't touched the library since last weekend, plan on finishing the wallpaper this weekend. I think C is off, so it should be a quickie.
Got my books from (more deadly than eBay if you love books) (I got 250 worth of books for 70 bucks - including shipping) and drooled over them for a while. Forgot about the Egypt book I got (The Mind of Egypt by Jan Assman) (hush! he's a well known Egyptologist!) which is a VERY dense, very intense look into how the Egyptians actually - ticked. What made them work. Is a DELIGHTFUL read (but VERY dense) - and I realized that a good bit of my problem is that I don't know HOW to study - I've literally never had to study for ANYTHING in my life. Ever. I was always one of those chicks who just rubbed the book lightly across my forehead and got a B. *shrugs* So - how exactly is this 'studying' thing done?
Anyhow - most of the books were good soild reference books - mostly on gardening and plant identification. Can I tell you - I was - quivering with excitement over the plant identification ones - just QUIVERING! And in the back - pictures!! With proper names for various leaf shapes, petal formations, and the like. Not saying that the whole BOOK isn't full of pictures (gorgeous, full color ones) but it's nice to actually know what the heck a bipartriate leaf is rather than squinting at itty bitty pictures of a leaf on a tree and trying to guess. The indexes aren't QUITE as cross-referenced and as detailed as I would like it to be - but oh!! Rapturous joy! I think this weekend will also involve me wandering around the outside of the house with a huge book in each hand, a pen behind my ear, a notebook clenched between my teeth, and many muttered curses.

Work: Arrrrgggghhhhhhhhh. *thumps head on desk repeatedly* but.... the new building is really nice. I need one of those above the desk mirrors though, because I HATE having my back to the room. Makes me paranoid and stuff. Two more years. That's all - jsut TWO MORE YEARS.
I realize one of the reasons that this job drives me so batty is because I don't feel - natural here in the least. I mean - maybe it's the people, maybe it's me, but - I feel VERY standoffish - just in general. I totally don't feel like I can be my slightly nutty, throughly opinionated, authentic self here. And I hate the fact that I suspect it's 'spreading' into the rest of my life. I really make a DAILY effort to shake this place off the second I slide into my car to go home at night - I do this for one reason, and as long as I put in my fair 8 hours here, the rest of my life is MINE.

Weight: *shhh* I weighed myself a few days ago, and had dropped two pounds. *snorts* I'm not getting my hopes up in the LEAST though, because I expect to weigh myself Sunday (that's the official checkin day), and find out that I've gained six pounds, as my period started today. (amazement and frank talk about womanbits to follow)
The wildest thing is though (which I was kinda aware of, but JUST confirmed today) is that I can TELL the INSTANT my period starts (assuming I'm awake) because I can FEEL the mucus plug just suddenly 'let go'. It's almost like a spasm, then suddenly my whole lower abdomen just feels heavy and FULL. It really FEELS like my uterus just filled up. It's rather cool, really - and I can tell that's when I first 'start' because I actually don't start really bleeding until 4-6 hours later - that pop is just the point where the pressure of the flow overwhelms my cervix. Gah. I really need to start charting - no, we aren't trying for kids NOW - but I suspect that in about a year or so we will, and I'm vaugely suspicious about my 'ovulation' and whether my girl bits work the way they are supposed to. I'm thinking about getting one of those ferny thingys (Where did you get yours from Anna??) and testing myself when I think I've ovulated, and see how on point I am.  Calendar wise, it's usually right on (or a little LATE in my mind), and general 'moodiness' wise it's right (as I tend to get horny as a.....goat) which lasts for about 48 hours, precisely. It would be nice if that IS when I'm ovulating - makes it much easier to time things.
In other weight/preparation news, I realllllly need to get a good multivitamin. I hate pills, can't swallow them, prefer liquid or chewables (or really, having a proper diet so that I don't NEED the bloody things - but, HAH! that's not gonna happen instantly). *pouts* I no LIKEY pills. hmm... something else to add to my growing list of things that I need to do....

Um. I think that's it for now.

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