Tuesday, May 2, 2006

And Furthermore......[

Hmmm... let's see, what's shaking in me life?

The movers are coming Thursday, as is the cable guy (gotta get the internet, ya know!), and hoepfully (if the bastids from Sears ever CALL me) so will the fridge, but I'm thinking we might have to go a couple of days fridge free. Luckily, we have two HUGE ice coolers, and a pratically bare fridge, so that should work out well. I'm going to do a DITL on Thursday, even though the 'official' DITL day was yesterday. Pffht. *laughs*

Um, what else?

I've realized something over the last few - weeks, I suppose. I'm sure ya'll have seen the prose bit about waiting for X to happen before you do Y? I've realized, that without even being aware of it, I've been waiting to get a house before I do a lot of things that I want to do. Now, okay, honestly, 80% of those things REQUIRE a house, but - still. I'd like to think of myself as more proactive than that.

The illegal immigration thing - amuses me, to put it frankly - peoples reactions to it, more so than the actual situation. Illegal immigrants are the latest wave of slave labor, people who are willing to work grueling conditions, 12 hour days, for chump change. Yes, I am fully aware they are a burden on the social services, but - at the same time, they are saving us money every time we go to the grocery store, the nursery, a hotel, the casinos, and hundreds of other places that have 'dead-end', menial, nasty jobs that most Americans look down on. 
They own one car for 8 people, and they live stacked in 2 bedroom apartments with three families - not becuase they WANT to, but because the wages they are paid are FAR below living wages. If the corporations were forced to actually pay a LIVING wage (cuz minimum wage can't keep anyone over the age of 18 above the poverty line) Americans would be more willing to take those nasty, brutish, backbreaking jobs, and the illegal immigrants wouldn't come here anymore because they wouldn't have work. Of course, forcing the corporations to pay living wages also means that their bottom line increases, and you KNOW they are going to pass those increases on to us, the customer, and then we are all screwed.
What's the cure? I don't know..... but I don't think there really IS a problem. Personally, I think this whole issue 'popped' up to distract the country from the fact that Iran is eying Israel, the US is killing hundreds of civilians and tens of soliders weekly in Iraq, Peak Oil is approaching, and this hurricane season is going to be ungodly.
But really - what does all that matter? We've got to get rid of those poor brown folx who do the work we are too good to do.

The Boy and I are having constant conversations about what we want to do with the house, what to buy, what colors to paint, all sorts of wonderful stuff. We only own one TV now, and he's somehow talked me into potentially having three - which really, drives me batty. *sighs* I - like TV, but I despise it at the same time, and having multiple TV's - it just - doesn't feel right. But the Boy has no issue with it, so - bleh, not going to fight that battle.
I want to invest in a couple of white boards so that we can kee track of all the brilliant ideas we have and be able to easily prioritze them. Our goal is to get as much as possbile for free or for cheap, and then paint/sand/stain/decorate the stuff to fit into our house. Outlets and Freecycle, here I come!

Edited: Ah - stuff from the previous entry. Nope, didn't go to the house, haven't cleaned, I'm going to force C to help me do that this weekend after we move and before we unpack. Yayy!! Fat boy (or Kunta Cat'e as we have started calling him) returned *thinks* Saturday night, I think it was, and is THROUGHLY pissed that we won't let him outside anymore - I think tBH is worth it, and I think he'll think so to.

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