Monday, May 22, 2006

Wonderful Weekend....

Soo... let's see - this weekend was QUITE productive - and I ended up with only two 'ouchies' which is remarkable for me - and only one produced blood!

Started out in the yard on Saturday - dug up a bunch of money grass (monKey grass, monKey grass - but hey, if it brings money, I'se happy with that!!!) by the front porch so that I could plant the herbs MsBella gave us (cuz I'm not even going to TRY your new name, missy!) and by yesterday they already looked better. *grins* We're cilantro freaks, so I had to firmly instruct C to NOT take the last little bit so that I would actually have something to plant.
And can I say, a birth ball is the PERFECT garden bench?? I was just close enough to the ground, and it let me scooch all over the place.
Ummm - I also ripped up all the carpet, the nasty decomposing padding, the scary tack rails, and the padding staples from the floor in the library. The backs of my thighs are rather vigorously commenting on my activities, but I'm telling them to suck it up!
I've got pictures, but haven't uploaded them to Flickr yet. I'll edit later with piccies.

Edited: Okay - couldn't get any good piccies of the herbs - they so small and green, and the room pictures with all the ick gone looks about the same as the first picture of the room I took so - no picces.

And - and! In some absolutely KICKING news - C got a new job!! He's officially the new Exec Sous Chef of the Hilton Memphis. Eeee!! He's making - oh man, almost 1.5 times more than he was at the Crescent Club, and he starts on the 5th. Doesn't that TOTALLY rock?? I'm so excited for him - and for our budget. I've done the calculations, and even including house repair costs, we should be TOTALLY out of debt by May. Isn't that just - *shakes head* I'm so happy/excited/gleeful it's scary.

We're moving at work, to a much nicer building, so the team room is kinda empty, and it's getting COLDER, dammit. I really hate working in the cold. I've got a bigass sweater, but I think I packed it. *slaps forehead* Durrrr.

I *heart* Freecycle. Really I do - I gave away a buttload of stuff, and am trying to give away the monkey grass I dug up. I just scooped up a bunch of old school/country living magazines, and I'm sure I'll get entertainment/pictures/good ideas/compost material out of them - one way or another, they are going to be used.

I'm back on the road to losing weight. I'm actually *gasp* going to try the EASY way, and limit calories (wine, wine, how I love thee, but why must you have so many calories??) and exercise. Stunning, right? *laughs at self* Anyhow, I'm FitDay'ing it, and eating whatever the hell I want to eat - I just have to stop eating after a certain point. It's the cheap version of WeightWatchers, yes? I'm planning on six week blocks, where I try to lose ten pounds every six weeks.

I've been doing well with my lists, and my studying, and such. I really need to get a whiteboard calendar, so that I can keep track of stuf without having to log into OD.

Umm, what else, what else?? I unpacked my compost this weekend too, since it was getting anty (eeww!) because of being too dry, so I dumped it in the area that the garden is going to be, and put somemore dirt on top, and then some plastic bags so that it can bake nicely. There was actually STILL earthworms in it, looking all plump and happy, so I'm thrilled with that. Also, in general, we've got some GOOD dirt. It gets a little claylike abut 8 inches down, but after a couple of seasons of mulching and compost it should be just LOVELY.

Can you transplant bushes?? We have a bunch of bushes that I LIKE (and don't ask me what they are, I haven't gotten my plant ID books yet) but I'd like to have someplace ELSE. I suppose the worst that could happen is I dig them up, and replant them, and they keel over and die. I'm assuming that should be done in the early spring ANYHOW, just before they start 'waking up' for the season again, so I've got a while to think about it/research it.

I got a hit from my doula webpage from a lady who just moved here, isn't pregnant yet, but had her first baby with a doula, and wanted to get in touch with a doula. She also wanted a list of natural birth friendly doctors - I asked A for a list, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet, and I'm trying to think of where else I could find the list. Ohh!! There was a really cool doula type chick at DotM - I need to find her email and ask her! She was - ah! she was apprenticing with one of the local midwives, and so I'm SURE they have a list of 'good' doctors...

Hm, hm, hmmmm what else?

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