Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mmmm, Mmmm, GOOD...

So - doing the letter of the alphabet thingy. The rules are - someone gives me a letter, I write out five words that mean something to me that starts with that letter, and then anyone who asks for a letter in my notes gets one.

Temmykerryboombahtastic gave me the letter 'M'

Money - Ah, how I don't have enough to quit this hateful, dreadful, soul sucking job and play in my garden. Bleh. Money - how it's really a cheap and easy way to carry around my life energy. Money - how it smells so PURTY.

Men - mainly my husband and two of my good friends. All three demented, all three I love, all three drive me farking BATTY.

Mousse - how I think I need to find some for black girl hair cuz my hair is all sexy when it's damp, and then get's BLEH once it dries. Fun to play with, but still. I could use the jerrijuice but *shudder*
*starts singing* Just let your sooooulll GLOOOOOOOOOWW!! (14 points to anyone who knows what movie that comes from)

Mother's Day - I'm actually getting my cards out EARLY this year - which almost never happens. I mean, never. Of course, I left my wallet in the car, so I'm going to have to pull over somewhere and find a mailbox, and well - hopefully they will get them on Saturday. or Monday. Close enough.

Moon - It's almost a full moon again - we can see the moon from several windows in the house, and it's SOO cool and purty. I'm waiting for a clear night so that I can go out and see how many stars I can gander at.



Work - ARGH. Sometimes, I feel bitter because I don't have enough to do, then othertimes I feel guilty because I'm wondering how much I am missing/forgetting to do and it's a lovely, horrid, cycle. I want a farking PROJECT already, dammit.

House - Lovely! Unpacked my clothes last night - was lucky enough to hit the box with my summer clothes in it on the first try. I have a 20something item list covering the stuff that we want to do in the house - from the big stuff like replacing the windows, to the little stuff like switching the light bulbs to more energy efficient ones. It's still missing stuff.

Life - I waste way too much freaking time - doing - nothing. I mean - there's nothing wrong with doing NOTHING as long as there ain't nothing that needs to be done, ya know? I've been kicking around the idea of setting up a schedule for myself (I need schedules - I crave schedules) so that I can learn all the stuff that I want to. Really, what I need to do is turn the fucking TV off!! God - it's such a time sucker.

I think I'll set up the stereo tonight. Our house is so quiet, that if there is nothing else going on - you can hear the LIGHTBULBS. I shit thee not. It's rather amusing.

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