Friday, October 27, 2000

the Infectress

I’m sick. Impossibly ugly enough, I’m sick. And it isn’t even the snotty, sneezing, talking funny kind of sick. I have a very sore throat. Half of my neck feels swollen, and my neck is hot. Yech yech yech. I need to go to the health services people and see if they can give me something. I HATE being sick. It’s yeechy, and I feel just generally crappy. I am however, quite thrilled that I got sick on a Friday. That means that I can chill in the house alllllll weekend, send Chef out for Orange juice and warm teas, and basically sleep and pamper myself. It’s just getting through today that is going to drive me battty. I have never been sick like this before either. I mean HALF a sore throat? That is freaking me out more than anything else. That and I feel like somebody punched me hard in the chest. Yeech. Yes, I AM a whiny baby when it comes to being sick. I’m about three steps from being a hypochondriac, which is one of the lovely side effects to being raised by a nurse. So.. I’m wondering if I have strep throat, or mono, or even (how lovely) tonsilitis. Yeah, I still have mine. Wouldn’t that be ugly.
Anyhow, I have noticed that there seems to be a lot of sick folx in the OD, and I have to wonder if we are passing around a virus. *giggles* Okay..bad joke.
Ugh. I don’t even want to TALK.

Stay Jazz *ACHCHOOO!* ed

P.S. I just went to health services and got some drugs. I feel almost human again

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