Monday, October 23, 2000


Then the evening comes to greet you
You need someone to hold you close
And you feel the need to rest your aching mind
Who can you run to?
Who can you turn to?

Yeyo – Erykah Badu

Inertia is the direct opposite of momentum. Inertia is the steadfast holding on to the motion (or lack thereof) that you are currently in, while momentum is the changing of where you are into someplace else. Once you are in motion, your inertia becomes your momentum and when you reach a point when you need to change again, you have to fight the inertia that has come as a result of your momentum. So, in order to live and grow on a constant basis, there has to be a constant exertion of momentum, with no chance for a pause or a rest in the forward motion of yourself, because the minute you rest, you become inert.

And the longer you remain inert, the harder it is to get up the momentum to start moving again, because in the process of getting momentum you can’t rest even for an instant or you will have to start all over again, and going from a state of not doing anything to a state of constantly doing something is really not the easiest thing to pull off in the world.

I have been inert for most of my life, only rarely launching off of the lily pad that is my life for a particularly juicy fly that I saw coming my way. Most of the time I have been sitting under a very fertile tree and just scooping up what has fallen on my pad. Now however, either the tree is dying, or my pad is floating out from under it, or maybe I am just sick and tired of what I have been getting fed from the tree, ‘cuz I am just not satisfied with it any more. But this whole momentum thing? Ugh.

Not only am I scared to death of leaving my comfy little pad, I also don’t see any other pads anywhere around that I can fit on…hell I don’t see any other pads at all. And even if I did see any other pads, I don’t know if I would be bold enough o make the leap across the empty dark water that separates me from all those other pads.

*shakes head* Okay… I need to let go of this particular metaphor, because I just thought my fingers had webbing in them for a second. Blurgh. I need a swift kick up the ass.

And my brain is totally fried. I will be thinking about something, and five seconds later, not have a damn clue as to what it was. *shakes head* The brain cells are dying already.

Stay Jazzed.

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