Friday, October 6, 2000


Amazing how things happen that seem to reflect on other things that have happened. Me & Chef had a ‘talk’ a few nights ago…and me, being the closed mouthed person that I am didn’t say much. Afterwards, he got up and went into the living room…and I was suddenly thrown back into a memory of something that had happened between T&T during the later days of their marriage. A very similar situation, and Tmale was furious later because Tfemale had not followed him to ask him what was wrong. So, of course I went out to see what was wrong, and he just said he couldn’t sleep. as that was what I had been trying to do for the past hour or so…I said okay and went back to bed. Later, he came in and made a comment that struck kinda hard. He said I was ‘dead-pan’. *sighs* Ugh! And I honestly got scared… I don’t want to lose him, or push him away in any way. So I talked… I spilled…I let my guts hang out and dangle on the floor. And he didn’t hurt me, or step on them, or do anything but listen. And I liked that. Mercy…more and more with each thing that he does, I am liking this man more and more.
Anyhow…I just wanted to make a note of that…OH! And he is good with the money thing too. *smiles*

OH! I think I might be making some friends at work. I met a couple of cool sisters at this luncheon thing...and we are going to a step show tommorrow.

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