Monday, October 9, 2000

Weekend Woes and Wonders

Yesterday was an official gloriously pissy day. I was in a nasty mood for most of the day, and insisted that I be by myself and in bed. I ate badly, watched bad TV, and left the house in more of a wreck than it was when I started the weekend. I realized that I haven’t luxuriated in a bad mood in a while. I have been so busy worrying about why I was grumpy, I wasn’t enjoying it. Why was I grumpy? No particular reason, just grumpy.
Saturday however was most of a blast. I went out with a couple of sistas from work, and we went to a step show and just kinda hung out at the Classic. It was a lot of fun…I miss hanging out with women.

Blagh. Don’t have much to talk about today…maybe as the day goes on I will figure out something to blab on about, but for right now…I’m okay.

I got my nails done yesterday, and I have been admiring them since then. They are so shiny and frsh and pink looking. I didn’t put any color on them (as I have been going around for a while au natural) and I really like it. Some slightly more radical people might see a contradiction in me wearing my hair natural and my nails fake…but I just work with what I want and what I know.

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