Monday, October 30, 2000


Stolen from Tigressa….

"If it weren't so risky, I'd...." let myself fall in love again
"If it didn't scare me, I...." would be totally truthful with myself
"If it weren't so stupid, I'd...." dye my hair and eyebrows blond
"If it weren't so threatening, I'd admit...." I am way too big.
"If I let myself know it, I feel...." depressed.
"If I let myself feel it, I should...." dance.
"If I let myself entertain the thought, I should...." go home and soak in the Jacuzzi.
"I'm not ready yet, but eventually I need to...." let go.

It reminded me of a exercise I had to do one time where you just had to write twenty things you didn’t like about yourself, twenty things you did like and so forth…I need to find the exercise and do it again.

Stay Jazzed.

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