Tuesday, November 21, 2000

Notes of the Day

Suddenly in a flash the difference between fantasy and cheating is clear…the mind wanders, but the body and the heart does not. Anyhow… I’m working on roughly 6 hours of sleep from the last two days, I feel vaguely sick (odd appetite and general feeling of urghiness), and hmmm….

Bored out of my mind at work. I am considering taking a half day tomorrow…come in as late as possible and leave as early as possible…so I can get both more sleep and more Chef time. I have promised myself that I will NOT bitch about his job and the hours that it makes him keep. I just won’t. What he does is what he loves doing and I don’t in any way shape or form indicate that I want him to prioritize the two. I expect his job to take precedence over me…and I expect him to expect my job to take precedence over him. Just the way it is, and the way I have to live with it being. *sighs* Still… I hate the fact that I am so rarely at my best when it comes to talking to him and being around him because I am either at the high or the low end of my sleep cycle. Mercy knows I make too little sense when I am tired or when I have just woken up.

Hmm… have been masquerading in various chat spots and just online in general as a lady named Jasmyn Black. It reminds me of a black morning glory, deep and rich and velveteen to touch. I like the sound of it anyhow….with so much free time on my hands, I might create an online alter ego…I wonder what scandals she could get into?

Hm… it wouldn’t be a full and complete entry if I didn’t briefly bitch LOUDLY about the fact that it is snowing. Not flurries, not a chance of snow, but full fledged real live SNOW. It’s only November *sobbing* I don’t mind having a white Christmas, but a white thanksgiving is simply not RIGHT! I have plans to brave the madness this weekend and actually go out and try to buy some real gloves. The minor minor little things that I am wearing now just are not going to cut it, and I need something REAL before I lose a tip or two to frostbite.

I’ll toss in a quick hair reference too… While bored out of my mind at work, I decided I would try this little hint I got off of one of my newgroups about how to keep the roots of your twists neat while waiting from them to get nicely locked up. So, I looped & twisted (my name for the process) the whole back row of my hair, and figured I would leave those in and see how it turns out. IF it looks good and last through a few hair washes, I might get bold and try to do the whole head.

Confession time…. I have been holding off putting locks in my head because of a remarkably odd conversation I had one day on the MARTA (Atlanta’s train system) with this guy. He sat down next to me and asked me if I was so & so… when I said that I wasn’t he said that I looked almost just like a friend of a friend of his who was growing locs and dropping weight at the same time. He said something to the effect that I would look almost just like her once my locs had grown out. This convo was held during that period of time when I was ‘trying’ to loc my hair in Atlanta. For some odd reason, I think that the person he was talking about WAS me.. and that when I finally make the plunge to get locs, I will also have to fully commit myself to the plunge to lose weight. *sighs* I don’t know….

Stay Jazzed.

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