Tuesday, February 27, 2001

Book Lovers....

1)To what magazines do you subscribe?
*thinks* Popular Photography and Ms.

2)What magazines do you not subscribe to, but for some reason find yourself picking up at the grocery store while you're standing in line for the register?
*hangs head in shame* Cosmopolitan. For some reason I WON’T subscribe to it, but I buy it every single month. And some home design magazines… they are not worth buying on the regular.

3) In what book(s) do you currently have bookmarks (‘bookmarks’ include stray envelopes, pictures or sheets of toilet paper)?
Actually I don’t use bookmarks…but the book I’m reading right now is called “The Sacred Pool”…can’t remember who it is by

4) What was the last book you finished?
“Like Water for Chocolate”. I had a taste for some flan over the weekend and I started reading it looking for flan recipes.

5) What is your favorite "children's" book or series?
Ummm…I love all of Shel Silverstein's books… but as for a certain novel? Most likely Encyclopedia Brown…or Dr. Seuss. I haven’t read a ‘kids’ book in so long…

6) What is your favorite "teen" book or series?
Umm it would have to be the David Starr series by Isaac Asimov… without a doubt.

7) If you were stranded on a deserted island with only three books, what would you want them to be?
THREE? Not even three series? *sighs* The Tokaido Road by Lucia St.Clair-Robsen, (I can read that book repeatedly), The Parables by Octavia Butler (inspiration) and “The Dummies Guide to getting the HELL off of a Deserted Island” by somebody… as soon as it gets published.

8) What two authors -- dead or alive -- would you like to meet?
Umm.. .Nikki Giovanni and Octavia Butler. Both living, Ms. Giovanni is a wonderful poet, and Ms. Butler is an excellent science fiction writer.

9) If you were to become a best-selling author, what kind of books would you write?
Science fiction or fantasy or romance… but most likely some sweet intermingling of the three

10) About how many books do you own?
*LOL* Oh my…ummm Here in Indy I have close to 200…in Philly I have close to *thinks* 300-400??

11) How many of those are books you borrowed and "forgot" to return?
*grins* Sadly enough…I only have a few fiction books that I ‘forget’ to return. Most of my absconded books are computer/networking books.

12) What books do you own that you haven't read, including coffee-table books?
*thinks* The above mentioned computer/networking books.

13) What book would your friends be surprised to know that you own and have read?
None. My friends expect me to have read damn near everything.

14) What book were you surprised that you enjoyed?
None actually… I expect to enjoy most books. And the ones I don’t think I will like, I tend not to read, unless they have been recommended to me.

15) What book were you surprised that you disliked?
Paradise by Toni Morrison. Her prose is SOOO convoluted.

16) Name a book you've read that was made into a movie you actually liked.
Ugh. Ummm….Charlotte’s Web. They didn’t screw that one up to badly.

17) What's on your 01 reading list?
Oh mercy… I don’t make reading lists. I just go to the library and browse. Although I do plan on making a list of all the authors in Sword and Sorceresses and then rank them by how much I liked their stories and then go and find any books that they may have written.

That was FUN!!!

Stay Jazzed.

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