Well… I had a good weekend. Bartending wasn’t too bad, and I made almost a hundred bucks in tips… so even though I was there for almost 9 hours… I can’t really complain. I figured something out Sat. though…I could make some really cool friends tending bar. : ) Folx my age.. who can’t be THAT prudish if they like to drink or serve drinks… it might be interesting.
I dyed my hair before I went to go tend… I figured if I screwed up I would be able to pick something up to conceal the horror before I had to go to work. Wellll….. I have purple hair. *sighs* My hair is really really really freaking picky about the colors/tones that it will accept…and clearly reds & purples are it’s favorites. But… At least I know now that I can dye my locks with no worries. None of them are hard and crunchy (as I have heard people saying their locks get after a good dye job) and in fact it still feels just as soft and fuzzy as before. *sighs* but it’s DARK!!! I dyed it *thinks* Cinnamon Red…and it looks more like I dyed it black (finally) with super vibrant rich purple undertones. Really….my hair is burgundy.
*sighs* So… I am going to wait for a month, then try to set up an appointment with this natural hair salon so that they can bleach my hair. I want it lighter, but I am scared about doing it at home. Unlike Rein… I can see me ending up with hair that is just WAYYYY too blonde. *sighs* Golden Brown. With slight reddish undertones. That’s what I was shooting for…not … *sighs* PURPLE!
I’m going out on a date at some point this week. : ) I realllllly wanna go and get some sushi. *smacks lips* ummm WASABI…. *smacks lips some more* I love the fact that he has gotten promoted, because now he is working the day shift which means *gasps* we can actually spend some evenings together without one or the other of us being tired as hell. Hm. Maybe we will go dutch.
My carpet is getting cleaned today, my BiggAss TV and entertainment center is coming tomorrow, and I am going to go and order my furniture Friday night. Hm… if he doesn’t have to work late maybe we can get Indian instead. : ) *grins* I can’t wait… finally my apartment is going to come all together (or at least the living room/dining room) part of it. Talk about excited! I have been spending money left and right… and it is FUN FUN FUN I tell you. *sighs* Soon it will be back to the times of simple living though.
I am trying to figure out whether to give Chef some money to help him get HIS furniture. *sighs* I don’t know. I would be giving it to him because he wants it, not because I want to give it to him. And therein lies the dilemma. Should a gift be given solely because you know that the recipient will enjoy it.. or because you will enjoy giving it and the recipient will enjoy getting it? *shrugs* I don’t know… I have until the 17th to figure it out. *sighs* I already have the rest of his stuff. A T-shirt… a big ass wrestling poster that it took me since Christmas to find (gotta LOVE e-bay), some more cologne–y stuff…and I might get him a gift certificate to this comic book store that is downtown. Hm.
Maybe that will be my valentiney gift. I’m not much of a valentine chick…I hold the firm belief that it is a corporate ploy for people to spend ridiculous amounts of money and have ridiculously high expectations that warp emotions. *snorts* I don’t like it. Usually just give a card so that if the other person is all wrapped up in it… it isn’t like I just didn’t get ANYTHING at all.
Urgh. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon for the coloscopy thing. *shudders* I think I shall hop on over to Yahoo! Health and see if I can get a good description of the process. Yeech yecch yeccccccchh. I’m not worried…really… I’m not.
Stay Jazzed.
Monday, February 12, 2001
Weekend WrapUp
totally true at
Labels: bartending, courtship, rambling, yonitalk
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