Monday, February 26, 2001

La La LaLa LA LAAA....LA LA la la laaaaa

I’m joining the Camera Club at work. I figure that way I can have some outside support and guidance for my photography. I have this lovely tripod that Chef gave me that I have yet to use…and I feel a need to.. *shrugs* expand I guess. I have been reading about people catching sudden episodes of wanderlust lately.. and I can feel the start of that infection in me. I wanna get out… go.. just wander about with no real goal in mind but to SEE what’s around me. Something tells me that once I get my car, I will be doing a lot of that. Just wandering…hopping in my car after work, opening the sunroof and rolling down the windows and just going. Driving around the city…maybe going to the ‘country’ and gazing at the stars… just being GONE And as spring is coming up, that is just adding to the urge. Saturday… it was perfect. Wonderfully warm, a little breezy and smelling like all kinds of fresh growing things. I’m eager to start putting together my garden. *sighs* I don’t know how I am going to actually get the stuff to my house… but ahhh… I’ll figure something out.
: ) My mommy likes my furniture. I love the magic of email. *sighs* I’m not sure how long I should let the furniture people go before I call them up about when I will get my stuff delivered. The TV repair man came by Saturday too… fixed the TV and then about ½ hour later, the damn thing broke again. So…. This Saturday they are bringing me a new one. *grins* Yayyyyy!! I think I am actually gonna get away with this. Not that I am really getting AWAY with anything per-se. *sly grin* Just getting a bit of a discount. Kinda like paying invoice instead of MSRP for a car. *LOL* Oh man…. My mom is starting to date (finally…after *thinks* over 10 years of no smurfing…. DAMN!!!) and it’s interesting as she is trying to date the Muslim way, which is damn near a contradiction in terms…but I’m glad she is doing it cuz she deserves to be happy. Well… the first guy was an almost total loss. *grins* Exceedingly anal he was…a bit too much of a number cruncher.. he had crunched a lot of the small joys out of his life. A Baby Scrooge is what he was. She just had me on the phone nearly dying of laughter… *shakes head* no WAY they would have worked out. I wonder if I should tell her about the magic of meeting people online (as she is playing and getting comfy with her new computer) or if I should just wait and see if she finds that for herself. : ) Can I say again that I LOVE my mommy?
I’m distinctly not going to talk about my health. *shrugs* I’m healthier than a lot of people are…and that’s all I have to say about that.
*grins* And I smurfed. : ) *groans* Man it is AMAZING what two weeks of no smurfing will do to you after a long period of time when smurfing was had on a regular. *sighs* Yes yes…it was two days short of the deadline but I figured HEY! Will two days realllllly make THAT much of a difference? Nah… I didn’t think so either. And besides…. He is SUCH a hunka hunka muffin.
Hmmm.. what else is going on that is full of joy for me? Oh yeah… I LOVE my hair. It’s interesting right now.. kinda fuzzy and mildly unruly… but it behaves itself enough so that I don’t feel odd or unprofessional coming to work. And it’s growing like mad…and it’s so so so soft…*sighs* so wonderful. *shivers* ahhhhh…..smurfing.
*grins* I’m such a feminist. *LOL* and it’s no fun with Chef because he firmly tries to avoid getting into any conversation/debate with me about feminism…mainly cuz he knows it will be a losing battle, and secondly because he KNOWS it will be a losing battle. We had a mini debate/conversation about double standards that are embedded in most people. : ) Mainly because of a comment he made about someone being a slut in a porno. Now, while the fact may be true that she WAS… I just wanted to point out the fact that the assumption was that SHE was a slut… wile the guy who was fucking her was not. *raised eyebrow* Takes two to tango… always. Speaking of which… we watched some that was ever so much better than the other stuff. Either the ladies were really enjoying themselves or they were simply excellent actors. *shakes head* umph. The sex industry… it’s so fascinating to me.. but… *thinks* shadowy at the same time. I know that it has levels to it… from the totally seamy to the totally elegant…but it seems like seaminess always wins out. Urgh.

Stay Jazzed.

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