Monday, August 29, 2005


So, my weekend sucked.

Saturday - let's see. I buried Nikki, and C went to work. He calls me 20 minutes later - his tire blew out. Yeah, on the new (to us) car.  He goes to change it, and it looks like the tire is rusted to the axle. *sigh* His boss comes to pick him up, he goes to work, all is well and good.
He calls a tow truck to pick it up on Sunday - and the city (working overtime) has already snatched it up - despite him SUPPOSING to have 48 hours to deal with it. *sigh*
So - deal with that, and the car is at Sears now, getting fixed.
I'm at work - and it's Monday.

G started yowling this morning. I think he is really worried about Nikki now - even when he ran off, he normally came back the same night. It's been - 2 days now? So....yeah.

I just - it's weird. I've never had a pet DIE on me before - other than goldfish, and they don't really count. I've given away, or lost pets - but never actually had to bury one. I - almost considered getting him cremated but - no. Nikki wasn't fond of strangers.

I was supposed to go out with a friend on Saturday night - but I really didn't feel like - and I feel horrid for not feeling like it, but I feel like if I don't feel like it - then I shouldn't right??

I'm just babbling now. I had to write another entry though. *sigh*

And no, I don't plan on getting another cat. As much as I would like a kitten - no.  That's me logical side speaking. The much less logical side is saying - but G is going to be SOO lonely! And - only one kitty? We haven't had ONE kitty for years!! *sigh* But no.

How long are you allowed to be mopey?

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