Monday, August 8, 2005


The brain is such an odd, delicate organism, and I hate PMS.

See - most women (as far as I know) get 'normal' PMS. They become grumpy, snippy, crampy, and highly irratible. Me? I feel like I've gone slightly crazy, and that reality is being forcably reinterpeted for me. *blinks* Okay, that makes me sound like I'm hallucinating, but I'm not. It's just that my emotional reactions to stuff is almost ENTIRELY illogical. Just don't make no damn sense. And - the really odd thing is that I can't express it - it's just like my whole world has gone wrong, everything sucks, and humans are utterly disgusting. Talk about severely antisocial. I wonder if this/that is what depression is like? And how interesting would that be - considering that Sarafem (the PMDS drug) is actually repackaged Prozac.

So. Trying to be nice. Hope that this 'fog' is done by this weekend, as I'm hosting a bookclub meeting, and really, I'd like to be nice.


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