Monday, October 17, 2005

miniature moods

I get into 'little' moods, as I like to call them. I'll be merrily motoring along, not even talking to anyone, doing so work or drifting about online, and suddenly, I'll be moody.  Usually it's a tart, 'I hate the world, and I wanna go home!' mood if I'm at work - actually, I think that I only get into these little moods at work.

This weekend was lovely - cooked, cleaned a bit, didn't touch the garden as I don't want to 'overstir' me compost...played some Deus Ex with C - we love that game - he's forbidden to touch it if I'm not there, as it's almost impossible to catch up to the storyline. The weekend, as usual, went by WAY too damn fast - I mean - it's Monday, again, already?? But then - time just seems to be - whizzing on by. I don't - I don't really feel the progression of it - it's just slipping by faster and faster. I mean - heavens - my birthday is in three months. I've been working here for over six months. Holy crap!! That's not right - is it? Have we really been in Memphis for six months? Well....yeah - it'll actually be seven this weekend. Wow. It's like a blur - I'm really thankful for my daytimer, because otherwise everything would have happened last week.

*blinks* Umm....let's see - where was I?

Oh yes - something interesting I've noticed - haven't put my finger on the root cause yet, but I've noticed that I've been getting into a LOT more disagreements with people lately. Not sure if it's because I'm just wrong more than I usually am, or if it's because I'm becoming a wee bit more stubborn, or what - but it seems like almost every difference of opinion I've had in the past few weeks has left me feeling -  well, rather argumentative. And usually, I just end up giving up and shrugging my shoulders and saying 'screw it - do whatever the hell you want', but simply the fact that it's happening is - odd, to say the least. Maybe I'm becoming more vocal? Humph. No clue, really - I've just noticed it everywhere! Online, at work, at home - gah!

Okay - it's taken me most of the day to write this, and as I have no clue where I was going with this anyhow, I'll shut up now.

P.S. - Locked my diary, logged out, bounced to yahoo, and saw a news story that prompts me to ask:
How the devil do you (and why the hell WOULD you) commit suicide by  cutting your OWN throat?? I mean - really? Wrists, yeah - I can even see ya stabbing your femoral artery - but cutting your throat??? Sheesh....


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