Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm such a horrid wife....

The darling light of my life is about to start working days, and I'm hyperventilating. Why, you may ask? Because that means we'll be together ALLLLLLLLLL the time - okay, maybe not Saturdays, but STILL.
See, you must understand two things about me. One, I'm an only child, and I need time away from humans in order to remain human - no matter how much I might love them.  Two, for a good 80% of our relationship together, we've worked roughly opposite shifts. I've done the 9-5pm bit, and he's done the 3-11pm bit. We always have weekends, and lately it's been Monday's together. Which means that we get our 'own' time about 3 days a week (I stay up late on Fridays and spend that time with him as well) and have lovely wonderful togetherness time 4 days a week. Has worked wonderfully thus far.

Now....he's switching to days. Which will most likely turn into 7-3pm - which means I'll get a little time in the morning (when I'm not human ANYHOW) and no time at all (besides driving home from work) to myself in the evening.  AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! And to make it even worse, it's getting COLD - which means I can't escape outside. I love him, love him dearly, but I know that it's going to drive me crazy.crazy.crazy. And I really have no clue of how to deal with/handle it.

It's not like - he bugs me or anything - I just like having time to myself. And it's interesting, because I've always wondered/worried about this aspect of myself once I have kids - but I realized, ya know what - they HAVE to sleep sometime.......and that can be the 'me' time that I need, whereas the light of my life WILL stay awake until I go to bed, and will come to bed with me.

So. I'm making plans....plots would be a better word - on how to deal with it. The way our house is set up, the only room that I could retreat to would be the loft - which wouldn't be bad, except for the fact that the computer mainly resides downstairs (ah yes, remind me to gnash my teeth over my computer). And besides, theres' no furniture up there. *laughs* Ya know, this might be a wonderful way to FORCE me to go and work out on a regular basis - I can zone away into my own little wornd while I'm working out, and come home 'cleared' and refreshed. That would really be a win-win....and once again, it would give me SOME alone time 4 days of the week - plus making me go to the gym. Hmmmm - that might be right peachy.

See??? I feel better already.



Got the new piece for my laptop (a backlight for the screen, if anyone is interested). Tested it IN the screen that chickiedee sent it to me in (the one that she said worked). Now, she could be lying, but as this is a replacement part for the FIRST one I got (that reminds me, I need to leave feedback) I doubt it -  she's already got mah money. *sigh* hooked it up to the computer, turned it on, and nothing. Utter darkness. Which *swears vibrantly* tells me that it's something OTHER than the backlight. Am I going to take it to get fixed? No, no I'm not...and why not you may ask? Because fixing the damn screen on a laptop is the MOST expensive bit of the little bastards. I was lucky in being able to get a new screen for 'cheap' (300 and someodd dollars??) when the first one got cracked, but dammit I am NOT shelling out for another screen at this point in time. And from what I've seen online, if I took it to someone to get fixed, they would laugh at me and tell me it would end up being CHEAPER (once you factor in labor) to buy a new one. Dammit. So. *sigh* I suppose I could check out the inverter - depsite me being almost POSITIVE that isn't the problem - and seeing if that works.
The computer is going to have to become stationary, I think - largely because I can get a nice monitor for much cheaper than a new computer...but that would also require the use of a good desk, as we won't be able to balance a laptop bottom and a monitor on the little TV trays that we are currently using.  And besides, I'm stubborn - I LIKE my computer. I've got it set up JUST right. I don't WANT a new one, dammit - despite the fact that we actually have enough money saved (house money!! do not touch!!) to get a really noice new laptop - but no. So....on the lookout for a nice monitor, and a worthwhile desk - though we could use the dining room table (which we almost NEVER eat on) for a while. *makes face* Gah. Why, oh why, isn't crap built to LAST anymore? Hmmmm?? Damn Gateway. Fie on thee, FIE!!!



I'm sure that I haven't kvetched about work in a while - I'm still bored senseless, but I volunteered for a project that should keep me occupied for at least a week or two - building a new Access database for us to keep track of our fixes to the system. One of my coworkers said that it would take about 3 months to finish (snicker) I'm thinking it'll take three weeks - and I'm not even that FAMILIAR with Access. I've used it before - built some really cool shit - but what we need is simple enough that seriously - a good book or two, and I'll be off and running. Speaking of building ish, I'm glad to say that despite for ONE area my doula website is almost done - yet another reason I want my computer back! I need to finish off the brochures and such. And yeah, I can work on my work computer at home (as I've been doing since it went down) but I don't feel right about it - despite the fact that my boss knows about my 'side' job. So yeah - that's all kinds of cool & ish.

Um. 4:23pm. Gah.


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