Monday, October 24, 2005

HoHum, It's Monday again.....


So - once again, the weekend is over. Hail the week!

Um, yeah - a little giddy today....but had a lovely weekend - lets run it down, shall we??

Friday: The usual - baked some bread, made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce, used up the last of the old loaf in bread pudding (I want to find a way to make a savory bread pudding instead of the sweet ones), then kicked back with a COUPLE of glasses of wine - up falling asleep in a chair, woke up with cramped hands.
Saturday: Was woken at the unholy hour of 9:30am by the landlord coming back up 'freshen' up the heating system - I want/need him to clean out the fireplace as well. Ran errands - returned some books to the library ON TIME (that's my new thing - I heart the MCPL, but um - the whole point of going is FREE books, yes??) and scored a couple of new books from the library shop - one FoxFire book that talks about old timey stuff (like how to make moonshine) and *thinks* a dieting book. I really want to get my hands on "French Women don't Get Fat...." but I'm dragging my feet on actually buying it. Humph. Hit up the thrift store near U of M - LOVELY book section - and they have shiteloads of clothes too. But, scored TWO breastfeeding books for 0.99 EACH - swwwweeeeeeettt - and I got another book - Ah yeah, 'The Red Tent' - which is something I've heard is verrah good, but never read. I'll have to go back and check out the clothes. I LOVE browsing. That's me - I'm a queen browser. There's something very - satisfying in digging through stuff, looking for treasure. By the time I got home, the replacement part for my laptop was waiting for me (hopefully this one works - if not, I'm going to have to *sob* break down and get a NEW laptop. Dammit! *sigh* Or, I could break down and give up my 'image' of portability and just get a damn monitor. Geh!!)
Sunday: I cleaned out our downstairs closet which was in a state (to say the least!), and found, much to my regret that I most likely won't be able to use it as a germinating room for the  veggies in the late winter time, as there is NO electrical outlet in there for the lights. *rolls eyes* Hubby suggested that there might be an adapter we can hook into the light socket, so there might still be some hope.  I did 'uncover' some seeds that I brought a year or two ago, as well as some 'computer' sized screwdrivers - I'll be better set up to repair the laptop when I go home tonight. The hubby decided that since he's got a nice little chunk of overtime, we should go out and treat ourselves - and besides, we had to see Doom. So, he worked, then we went to the movies, and stopped out afterwards for a drink and a appetizer (part of which has become my lunch for today - yuummmmm...) Doom was REALLY good, by the by - nicely gory and action packed and fabulously unrealistic.

I'm a wee bit bitter over the fact that I left my iPod home today - *weeps* I actually have to listen to my coworkers all day. Not that they are actually - irratating or anything - but I just prefer to NOT listen to them babble all damn day. Sheesh. And it's COLD outside!! What the hell happened? Yes, yes, I know that it's danggone near November (can you believe it!! Already???!!) so I suppose I should put away the fluffy, fluttering summer stuff and go and get some dang winter clothes. *sigh* I'm not READDDDYYY!! Bah. Bah I say!

Okay, lunch is calllllliinnnggg me..... ciao!

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