Thursday, October 27, 2005


Well..... I've survived day one of hubby-at-home rather nicely - so far, so very good. And I'm quite relieved to find out I'm not the only one who gets the wiggling heebie-jeebies at the thought of spending ALL of their time with someone. And EEKK!! I found out he's going to have the weekends OFF! *gasp*

Access is going to make me pull my hair out, but in a good way. :)

I forgot to eat lunch today as I was so involved, and I have every intentions of escaping early and going home and baking a fresh loaf of bread. In fact, I hope to meddle about on here until it's time to go. 4:16 now....

Found 'French Women Don't Get Fat' - am dissapointed so far because it apparently is bestfor those semi-svelte women who only have 30 pounds or so to lose - heifern. Still, seems like a good attitude to have as far as appreciating food and eating for QUALITY rather than quantity and being aware of what's going in your mouth. I realized today as I was getting dressed (we aren't even going to TALK about the clothing hurricane that is the library/my closet) that I really DON'T have an issue with the weight that I am - with my size. What I would like to get rid of, is what I've had since I was BORN - my potbelly (or bucketbelly now).  EVERYTHING else on me is proportionate - hips to boobs, ass to thighs, knees to ankles, head to everything else - EXCEPT the belly. My grandmother once thought I had worms. *le sigh*.  But one good thing about me - as I lose weight, my waistline tightens up too....

We grilled last night - lovely ribs, simply lovely. I made veggies to go on the side, he had soup. I want something - summery for dinner tonight. Not ready for Fall. Not! Not! Not!

Finally gave in and picked the last of the habeneros from the plant last night - brought them in the house, and left them out on the counter. This morning, five or six of them had turned orangey colored - I think just the warmth of the house is making them ripen. I think that I'll take a cutting or two from the plants and try to over winter them. Hmmm.. Cuttings.

HMm....looks like I cut, and stick in some dirt. Hmmm......Sweet.

4:25pm. Not bad. G'night ya'll.

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