Tuesday, November 8, 2005


If money could buy happiness, it would have to be able to buy life.



Umm....have been around, just a little - stunned into silence, I suppose. Even now, it's like - damn, I know there was SOMETHING I planned on writing about, but hell if I can remember now. I need to start writing before I read faves, I think.

It's November, and 82 degrees. I'm LOVING it ya'll. Seriously. Ah! That's what I was going to whinge about - weather or not, I can clearly TELL that it's fall. How so?? I'm treated to a goregous show of lights in the sky and on the ground every night as I head home - assuming I'm not driving home in darkness. It's been rather irksome, as I have two huge bags of grass, and just swiped four big bags of leaves, and my kitchen waste container is half full, and I REALLY need to spread all that stuff out for compost - but dammit, it's almost black by the time I get home from work. Hopefully *crosses fingers* this weekend will be somewhat nice, and I can get outside and muck about in the muck.

I had a VERY productive Sunday - woke up around 9:30am (which is unheard of!), went grocery shopping (still managed to overspend by 10 bucks and haven't figured out why - I suspect it's sales tax), cleaned the kitchen and the living room to spotlessness, and - best of ALL - finally found a actual SCREENED over window in our house - the back door has a screen. So, I pried the glass off of that, and fully plan on leaving it open as much as I can to get some freaking fresh air into our stuffffy house.

Okay. I'm done. Must eat. Maybe more later. maybe.

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