Thursday, November 17, 2005

Reshaping 9: Nippy Noses

Went swimming last night - I want to start extending the number of laps I swim - but I still can't make it smoothly through all of them - so I'm going to have to figure out something else to do. Maybe I can swim one set of 9 laps, pause to do some legwork (more on that later) and then swim another 9 before I leave. Hmmm..... that might work nicely.

Legwork. My legs - being the biggest, strongest part of my body, are being - resistant towards working out. Okay, that's not quite true - I just haven't been working them out CORRECTLY. I'm not sure if it's a matter of not using enough weight - or the fact that the gym only has 3 machines for the legs, and like 6 or so for the upper body/arms (no wonder the guys there look like bantam chickens - all fluffy up top and scrawny on the bottom). So - I want to put in more focused legwork somehow.

Last night, after my laps, I started doing squats and lunges in the pool. I HATE doing lunges because I have a hard time balancing, and it tends to make my knees hurt, but with the support of the water - it wasn't bad at all. Then I realized - Hey!! This will be a great way to work on those leg parts that there ARE no machines for (like the inner and outer thigh) and do a little more work on the important bits (like me arse). So - that's something I'll have to do this weekend - put together a list of body weight only legwork (like the things that are always in Cosmo and the like) that I will be able to do in the pool. :) Happy about that, I am.

I don't think I wrote about Tuesday - I lifted weights, and man - talk about arms being spaghetti!! Sheesh - I was about to cry on one machine - the shoulder press, I think it is? And sometimes, I feel really wimpy when I see these great big burly men lifting 130 pounds with a grunt and a snarl - but then logic and sanity reassert themselves, and I realize - umm - they're MEN, and clearly, from the looks of them, they've been doing this for YEARS - of course they can lift more than you!! And I have to remind myself that slow and steady tend to win the race, and prevent me from injuring myself as well. But - it's hard finding my PERSONAL boundary lines - less than this is wimpy, more than this is insanity. I suppose that will be something that I'll gradually discover as I continue progressing on - I can't determine what's right for me, in an instant. But at the same time, sometimes I think that it's a moving target - jsut as I discover what is the right setting for me, I'll have gotten strong enough to actually move onto another weight. Hopefully.

More later - maybe.

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