Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tough Tuesdays!!

Let's see how long I can keep up the alliterive entry titles that incorporate the day of the week, shall we?

My hair is in a STATE to say the least. I need to do wash it and do my roots so badly it's a dangoone SHAME!! As locks mature, they tend to get skinnier - but as they get skinner, the fact that there is 'loose' hair at the roots becomes more obvious - and boy, is it obvious right about now. My hair is - dense - thick - almost rich - it feels most alive when the little bits at the bottom are running wild. That's why I don't really want to tighten it - or more accurately, a wonderfully subconsious reason I keep 'forgetting' to do it over the weekend. Freshly tightened hair is - lovely - in it's own very regimented way - but nappy hair feels so much more ALIVE. *grins* I could almost convince myself that it is.
I've heard that the legend of Medusa actually came from when the Greeks stumbled a bit deeper into Africa than they expected, and ran across a tribe of locked women - and I can understand why they thought there werre snakes growing from their heads. 'Organic' locs - as in hair that just allowed to tangle all about itself without any 'management' - is rarely neat looking, never corporate, and looks (and feels!) like a living thing.
I'm considering dying it (again) as the thought of cutting it off (cutting more of it off, I should say) has struck me once again. *thinks* I never posted a picture of my shorter hair, did I? Here ya go.....

It's in B&W because it's the pic from JB, and all the color pics I tried to take made me look like a troll. A relatively cute troll, but a troll none the less. The B&W forgives many a funny head shaped flaw. And - I tried putting makeup and doing a pic then - and even in color, it was much cuter - but it so wasn't MY natural face. I was damn near fine with the makeup on - but it was an airburshed, faked out kinda fine. So - I scrubbed it off, and went with B&W.

Meeting - cha-cha!!

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