Monday, November 21, 2005

Reshaping 10: Groove Thang

Where I am at now? 3 full weeks? and I've only missed one day - and even that day, I actually WENT to the gym - so, quite proud of myself am I.

Three weeks - hmmm, that means I need to start keeping track of what I eat now. I don't realyl want to keep track on a computer, because I might not always be near a computer - but I don't have any paper handy either. *frowns* I'll have to dig up one of my mini-notebooks from home tonight.

I actually wasn't sore at ALL this past weekend - and even today, I feel good. Sleepy, but good. I realize though, that I DID have a bit of 'undercover' soreness so to speak, but it was on a low enough level that I just worked around it without even noticing. For example -  I tightened up my hair over the weekend, and instead of doing my usual 'bring the hands to the head' for the back, I bent over, almost in half, so that I wouldn't HAVE to hold my arms up - cuz they were sore. I did manage to get a wonderful lower back stretch out of the whole thing though.

I think my shape is starting to change - just a little. The bottom of my belly isn't hanging as low, I think - and there and the back fat tend to be the first two things to go as I start losing weight.

Dang!! I forgot to look up those butt buster exercises for in the pool tonight. Ah well, I'll just go for a swim. I think I'm going to try doubles of 9. Swim the 3/3/3, then butt busters, then 3/3/3 again. Or maybe jsut 3/3 the second time.

I don't know.

One good thing - I feel like I'm in a groove now - like I'm halfway to forming a real habit. But - supposedly you can form a habit in six weeks, right - so I guess I AM halfway to forming a habit. Tsk. I should see what time the Highland Branch closes, and if they have the BFL book - that way I can jsut stop there on my way home. Hmmm.... good idea.


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