Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Reshaping 6: Not yet, not yet....

So - lifted weights last night, and am still disappointed with the legs. I've reached - hah, nay slammed directly into - exhaustion when it comes to the arms - and I think that I'll have toned arms out of this world in a little while - but I still haven't really hit that point with the legs. I'm doing 55 pounds all around - I think I might jump to 65 and see how that treats me. I really WANT the spaghetti legs - because they are one of the biggest muscles, the faster I build those up, the more I'll lose just by breathing.

Speaking of breathing - I've GOT to remember to NOT hold my breath when I'm doing the abdominals - and I need to up the weights on that too. I want to get to the point where I am 'aware' of my muscles every day - not hurting, but definitely feeling the work.

I don't think I mentioned that I hopped on the scale this weekend (just to see what was going on - no judgement involved) and to my utter NOT suprise, I was at 231.5 - up a pound and a half from the start. Which, actually, throughly pleases me, because as muscles first start to work, they hold onto a huge amount of water to repair themselves - so YES!!

Ah yes - that was something else I was thinking about. There is this show on - Discovery, I think it is - called Supersize She. It's all about this female bodybuilder (looks like a man, no DOUBT!) and what she goes through in order to become Ms. Olympia. It's - interesting - seeing how far someone can go with weightlifting. I have utterly none, none, none, interest in going that far - but it's an interesting extreme.

Yet another short one....

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