Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Reshaping 5: Not so bad....

So, I made it through the weekend - and I don't think I wrote a post-Thursday entry either, so here goes.

Umm - worked out pretty hard Thursday - DEF. hit exhaustion on a couple of machines - like the damn shoulder press, and the tricep extension BASTID. I'm making today my 'first' official day of working out, since I felt like I was just 'getting the feel' of the machines last week.  I'm going to do the current set of reps/sets for four weeks, then switch to a higher level for 12 weeks, then switch to an even higher level for another four. That's a 20 week program - it'll be interesting seeing where I am then - The beginning of March, it'll be - hmm, just about time for spring clothing. I know that I need to up the weights on my legs - there's no way that my arms and legs are equally strong - and I never really got the exhaustion on my legs - got the burn, but no spaghetti.

I was sore as SHIT in the upper body all weekend - but I could definitely feel it getting better as the days went by. I could TELL that I had worked just hard enough that by Monday, I would be ready to swim. And, indeed I was. I took a page from the book of a 70something year old woman who was doing laps next to me, and actually went SLOW. *laughs* It's funny - last week, I was cursing the fact that you could only go 'one' speed, and that if I could just slow down (like I would if I was running) I would be better able to finish out the laps. Um, yeah - I can slow down - just freaking SWIM slower. I know, I know,  most obvious, but hey - I'm a little dense sometimes. Okay - anyhow, I figure that's how I'm going to do my laps from now on - 1st 3 = slow, middle 3 = fast, last 3 = slow. Do that until I can swim the full thing doing the crawl (which is the most strenuous move I do) Then, 1st 2 = slow middle 5 = fast last 2=slow, then 1st 1= slow, middle 7 = fast last 1 = slow. Once I can do the whole pool, fast - I'll move up to 1/2 mile. Yes, I know it's a bit of a 'backdown' - but I DO want to be able to swim a full mile - but I'm willing to accept the fact that I have to WORK up to it, considering that going 'fast' I can't even finish a full lap after the first one - I'm getting CLOSER to the end of the pool, but I've got to stop.  Going slower also allows me to focus more on my form, so, I guess it's a win win.

Food wise - EH! Those bastids at Calorie Counter haven't responded to me yet, and I REFUSE to pay to register it and pay the fee again just because the damn name on my PalmPilot changed. *PPPHHPPPTTtt!!* They can KEEP their stinky (but really cool) software. I'm about ready to do it the old fashioned way - write down EVERYTHING in either my Daytimer (which is really what I want to use) and just transcribe it into FitDay, but I can't find a notepad refill for the clutch size. *sigh* So, that would mean ANOTHER pad of paper,  because the notepad that's in there NOW, I'm using for my expenses. I suppose I could put the expenses in the palm, and my food on the shopping list, but BAH!! Not neat enough. And this daytimer is going to last until August or so, so there's really NO way I'm getting a new one at this point. I'll figure out something.

As far as what I'm ACTUALLY eating  - I've been doing good. Slid some and got some chips - but haven't really been wolfing them down like I usually would. Also got some cereal during the last shopping trip - but I've no doubt that my hubby will finish it off long before I get to it. I put a plea out on freecycle for a yogurt maker, but haven't heard from anyone there either...maybe I should go to the thrift store and see if they have one. Serendipity.

As far as my mindset - it's good, actually. Despite the damn shift in daylight which means I go home every night in the dark, it's an easy cruise to the gym. I spend a good bit of lovely time in the pool or a good bit more time with the weights, and I head home. I pick up a little, cook dinner, eat, prepare my lunch for the next day, prepare the gym bag for the next day, talk to the hubby, relax and read a little (usually done as I'm cooking), and then off to bed it is for me. It's a nice little routine - and I feel GOOD doing it. I'm not 'hooked' on it yet - I need to beat my ass up with the weights for a while before that happens - but man, am I enjoying it.

Ah yes! That was something I wanted to comment on - I realized why I'm so much more 'lacksadisical' with the swimming than I am with the weights. In my mind, swimming is just - well, it's something fun to do, but I don't really expect many results - largely because it's, well - CARDIO.  And heaven knows, it'll be nice to have bigger stronger lungs, and a more efficient heart, but because I've always felt that for REAL change - weights were far more important - I certainly put swimming on second tier. But - considering how BAD I am - barely able to swim full out a SINGLE lap - I know that I NEED the cardio - I just don't expect to see as many rewards from it as I do from the weights. *grins* Ir's a good thing that I actually ENJOY swimming, and I like the challenge it poses to me - two more strokes, one more lap. I also appreciate the fact that I don't feel like crap afterwards - my arms tend to be a little tight, but that's about it.

Hmm...I was hungry earlier, but now I'm not anymore. I definitely want lunch though, so I think I'll go eat now.

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