Monday, November 14, 2005

Reshaping 7: First failure

Thursday - I quite simply didn't feel like working out. I had a rough day at work, I was tired beyond all comprehension, and dammit - I didn't wanna go. But I went, anyway - got there, and realized that I hadn't brought a teeshirt to work out in. I was wearing a thigh length sweater - and there was no way in bright sunshine I was going to work out in THAT. So, I packed my stuff back up, and cheerily enough, headed home.

Guilt level? Nil. I know - It's only been two WEEKS, and already I'm breaking step - but - it wasn't a certain thing. I still went, still wanted to - realized once I got home that I COULD have worn the sweat 'jacket' that I carry along, but all in all, I didn't feel bad.

I'm going swimming tonight - without a doubt, and I'll be right back in the chairs on Tuesday. Ah - speaking of which - I'm considering changing my workout pattern. Instead of doing split body twice a week (which means it takes a full week for me to work my entire body) I'm thinking about doing full body twice a week - which means I would basically be doing EVERYTHING twice a week. Why? Largely because I don't feel like I am really working HARD enough that I can't do full body twice a week - and because I'm damn near doing it now, ANYWAY. Besides, it'll allow for faster results. So - I think I'm going to work on a new schedule now.

How do I feel? Well - good. The back of my thighs started hurting yesterday - not sure why, as the sex wasn't THAT athletic. I put on a pair of tight pants (my winter punishment wear) and - they didn't feel QUITE as tight. Hmmmm......maybe? maybe!  I've still got another two weeks to go before I weigh or measure - and interestingly enough, despite the slightly roomier pants, I didn't even consider hopping on the scale.

Still haven't heard from those bloody calorie king people - I'm almost starting to wonder whether or not the message actually got sent to them. PPPhhhhfftt!! *sigh* Ah well, I suppose pen & paper aren't SO bad. This is my last 'free' week - next week I start the three weeks of tracking what I eat. Lunch Friday was Taco Bell - quite le tasty - and today is a veggie meledy/using up leftovers at work. I've got the last slice of pizza, some cabbage, some green beans in the freezer, and a slice of bread. Interesting, yes? But - tasty overall.

Okay... I think that's about all for today. Bleh - I need to go and get some water.


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