Wednesday, April 5, 2006

*leans back*

So - I'm very relaxed right now.... another loan place called me about a mortgage, maybe for .25% less. Yes, fight over me my little bankers, FIGHT!! Muahahahaaaaaaaa

I'm currently drinking a glass of wine, and doing my best to avoid watching Baby Looney Tunes. Now, considering I'm the only person in the house, it's not like I couldn't change the channel - but heck, they ARE kinda cute with their firmthump on the head moral tales.

I'm soooooooooo sleepy.  I think that I might go to bed with the sun tonight. *gives phone evil glare* at least I hope so.

I talked to the buyers agent lady, and she seems nice - I'm still kinda kicking around the benefits of having one - but, it's the things that you don't know you don't know are usually the things that screw you up. She said that she would call me back this evening, as when I talked to her we were both driving....
*sidebar: I HATE driving and talking on the phone - I move too much when I talk, and I have a razr which is REALLY thin, and I have a stick shift - yet if the phone rings while I'm in the car I simply MUST frantically dig for it in my gym bag sized purse. I'm crazy, really, I am. end sidebar*
....and so she wanted to wait until we were both in the same place. As soon as I told her where the house was, it sounded like her head starting spinning me around, and she asked me if I was MARRIED. *tilts head* Um, okay. I know that Frayser isn't the most PERFECT neighborhood - but really, I'm not trying to flip this house. I honestly think that in the near future, I don't care WHERE you live, you won't be able to sell your house from 200K more than you paid for it two years ago - and you might be lucky to sell it for more than you currently owe - and that belief is a good bit of the - motive - behind this specific house.

Ah phone.....

Ah - the dude with the potentially lower interest rate calling with a few more questions. Heheheeeeeeeeeee!!!

So - motive and neighborhood. I believe that if we work on the house someone else with very - specific - wants like us will be willing to buy it. As far as crime goes - if Progressive ain't worried about my car getting stole, I'm not worried about my car getting stole - I already checked the premiums if we moved, and they don't change a bit from very genteel Midtown. So.

And really, I'm 3/4 hippie and 1/4 hermit. I would DIE in Germantown. DIE.

*rereads what I just wrote*

I'm still talking about the house, aren't I? Well, I never said I would stop TALKING about it, I just said that I would stop trying to DO stuff for it. Right?

*laughs* Baby Looney Tunes really ARE cute!! Their first trip to the library - how sweet.

I need to go and find some 'Top Ten Signs you're buying a Moneypit' articles.

See - this is me returning to my normal not on speed equilibrium.

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