*deep breath*
Whoo, okay - no bad news, but - whoo!
Talked to Paige - she didn't call me back because she was sick as a DOG last night, and slept in really late today. So, all is well, and she will be our buyers agent. She's going to meet us at the house tommorow, and help us but together to contract with all the negotiables included. I'm curious to see how much more stuff she includes that we did not.
Also - realtors have an acess to a wealth of info that us mere buyers don't have - she sent me lots of stuff on the house.... things that we learned:
1) The house has been on the market since - Thanksgiving really. Hmmm - that has a connection to me that makes this - realllly interesting. That's creepy. But - anyhow, on the market since November, worrying because it's been empty over the winter (assuming they put the house on the market AFTER they moved) but good, because that's what - a little over 5 months? Oh yeah, they wanna get rid of this place.
2) They HAVE A TERMITE CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Whoohoo! WhoopdefreakinDOO! So - that's - wonderful. That eases SO many concerns in my head.
3) They are selling the house as is - which means they aren't making any repairs, they might not be willing to tear down the polebarn, and they most likely won't move the junk on their property. Considering these people were old enough to buy a house in 1950 (1950!!!!! This house is older than my MOTHER - and I wouldn't dare mention that fact to her) I'm assuming they are elderly, and are basically saying - PHHHFFTTTTT!!! Move the shit yaself!
4) A lot of the other homes in the area were sold because of foreclosures - which makes her nervous about our potential resale value. I know, I know, never assume that you AREN'T going to want to sell - but I wonder how many of those foreclosure folx should have EVER actually gotten the loan to buy the house that they did, as well as how old they were - fixed incomes can be a bitch.
Umm... talked to Ed (the listing agent) and he sounded so DOWN about us working with an agent. I'm going to be NICE here and assume that it's because he's going to have to split the commision after working with us so much, and NOT because he saw us as fresh meat, and while I didn't want to come right out and tell him that - hey, you don't have our best interests at heart - well, I think he got the idea. And yes, I know that Paige wants the selling price to be as high as possible so that she can get the biggest commision possible - but.... still.
One thing that DID bug me about Ed, is the fact that I know he has access to all the documents that Paige provided - why didn't he provide them when he knew we were working on our own? *narrows eyes* Umph.
She also recommended an inspector - different from the dude I had picked (largely because he had a cool website, I know, I know), but the one she uses is actually one of the other ones I was eying - but his website wasn't NEARLY as cool. So - I cancelled the appt. with mine, and I'm assuming she will set up an appt with hers. So - that's good.
But they have a TERMITE contract - I'm soooo farking relieved. Now - the heat & the AC. I realized that all of the stuff I have been reading about 'old' houses is talking about houses built in the 20's and 30's - so..... *deep breath* I'm getting more excited and more nervous at the same time!!
Ohhh - phone!!
Okay, cool.
Just got off the phone with one of the loan officers (the one with the 6.5% rate) and comparing his stuff to Quicken - not only is his rate lower, his fees are also a heck of a lot lower - and he's a lender, not a broker. Also - when I emailed the Quicken dude the Good Faith Estimate, he came back really snarky, bascially saying "Only trust MEE!!! Don't trust these other guys - here are all the ways they could be lying to you" Um, sweetie - you could be doing the same damn thing! And - Franklin's rates are STILL lower. The Jobs Report is coming out tomorrow, and here's to hoping that the economy sucks, because then, interest rates MIGHT drop a quarter point or two. And even if they go up - well, at least Quickens rate will go up to. I was born AT night, not LAST night. And I'm STILL gonna use Quicken's approval form.
Here's to hoping that Paige doesn't find a super obvious problem that we missed.
Here's to hoping that the interest rates stay the same, or drop a little.
Here's to hoping that the inspector doesn't find a well in the crawlspace (that's the only LESS than perfect thing about this house - no BASEMENT! But - I know how high the watertable is in these parts - so mebbe that's a GOOD thing!)
Hell, Here's to hoping that the inspector doesn't find ANYTHING wrong with the house at all!
*deep breath*
Here's to hoping.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
let's talk about The House!
totally true at
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