Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Reading List

I wanted to make a 'sticky' entry to keep track of the books I'm reading and owning and want to own and so forth and so on. An (r) after something in the list means I've already read it, (pr) means I've partially read it. A (b) means I got it from the library. A person's name behind it means I borrowed it from that person....

Currently Reading: Reading Egyptian art : a hieroglyphic guide to ancient Egyptian painting and sculpture by Richard H. Wilkinson (4/25/2006)

Books I own:
Book of the Dead Trans. by E.A. Wallis Budge (pr)
Egyptian Magic (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea, V. 2.) By E. A. Wallis Budge
Maat Magick: A Guide to Self-Initiation By Nema, Samuel Weiser
Amulets of Ancient Egypt By Carol Andrews
Maat Revealed: Philosophy Of Justice In Ancient Egypt by Anna Mancini (r) (04/25)
Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt By Joyce Tyldesley (r)

Books I want to own:
Reading Egyptian art : a hieroglyphic guide to ancient Egyptian painting and sculpture by Richard H. Wilkinson (b)
Symbol & magic in Egyptian art by Richard H. Wilkinson (b)
Egyptian religion. by Siegfried Morenz (b)
The Search for God in Ancient Egypt by Jan Assman (Mancini uses him for a lot of her sources)
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt:The One and The Many by Erik Hornung
Idea Into Image: Essays on Ancient Egyptian Thought by Erik Hornung
Religion in Ancient Egypt: Gods, Myths and Personal Practice edited by Byron E. Schafer

Books I want to read (maybe own, if they are good)
The complete temples of ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson (b)
The Mysteries of Egypt: Secret Rites and Traditions by Lewis Spence

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