Friday, April 7, 2006

Oh, Filth Flarn Franks!!


No DITL today - my camera is behaving badly, darnit. And I really wanted to participate!

(There are pictures of the house in the previous entry!)

It's POURING outside (hail, tornado warnings, the whole nine) but I'm looking at that as a GOOD thing - if there are any leaks in the roof, we'll certainly see them when we go into the house this afternoon after all THIS rain.

Also - the sirens going off made me think about a 'safe place'. In the apartment we are in now, there really ISN'T any room that doesn't have at least ONE outside wall - just the way the place is set up. I was thinking about The House, and realized that the downstairs bathroom would be a PERFECT tornado shelter. So. *nods*

Bah! Unemployment rates went down, dammit - that most likely means the interest rates will drift up a little.

It's FRIDAY!!! *does happy happy bounces*

I'm determined to do some spring cleaning this weekend. Last weeked - I think it was - I attacked the kitchen with a rich & frightening fury. It still looks halfway clean. I think that this weekend - I'm going to tackle the bathrooms - PROPERLY. At least the ones upstairs. I'm starting to think about moving out of this place, so - it needs to be all sparky clean, ya know?

Thinking about this house, I have to agree with the agent - we are doing it 'backwards'. I think we are buying the BEST house in a okay neighborhood, instead of doing the classic thing of buying the WORST house in a good neighborhood. But ya know what - we don't CARE.

I left my wallet at home today - the one that has my house keys on it? *groans* I'm SOOO glad I'm supposed to be meeting the hubby - I need to give him a call in a few and ask him to bring it along.

I'm feeling cute today too - have on a short black skirt and a fun funky purple and pink and glittery shirt and one of my new rings (I HEART eBay!!!) and I'm actually wearing grownup shoes instead of my little clogs (I'm SOOO glad I did that - otherwise my feeties would be soaked today) so - I'm ready to face Friday with a vengence.

*puts on her hot girl shades, cuz her life is bright*

We need a dancing queen emoticon....

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