Thursday, July 20, 2006

Six Things

I thought that just MAYBE not writing an entry would shield me, but nooooo - the darling Ms.Diva STILL tagged me.  Ya'll know the rules.

1. I constantly pick and pull at my hair. Alllll the time, and usually on my left side (cuz the right hand is occupied by a mouse). At work, I sweep up all sorts of strands of little curls of hair. I usually just play with the texture, but if I find a knot or a tangle (and there are a lot of them) I've gotta worry at it til it's gone. TMI Alert - at home, I'll catch myself plucking out pubes. *shrugs* what can I say?? When sprawled out on the couch, thats a hairy area closer to my hands than my hair.

2. I hate crossing my own path. The extent that I will go to walk in a circle from my desk to the bathroom (or coffee machine, or another coworkers desk) is sometimes rather funny. Most of the time I don't notice it - until I realize I'm going out of my way. I do the same thing at home. I do the same thing when I'm driving - I really don't LIKE going someplace if I have to doubleback at some point - unless it's absolutely required.

3. I used to eat toliet paper (FRESH! Unused! Clean!) as a child, and up to college I would still sneak a nibble every now and then.  Now, I only nibble if the paper is particularly tempting smelling - usually older, very dry books. I have several paperback books where part of the last (usually blank) page is missing because I wanted a nibble.

4.  Look at your fingers. Look at the number of lines on each finger. Most people have three lines (not including the line at the VERY base of the finger where it joins the palm) on each finger.  The lines usually line up with your knuckles (ie, in your finger bends). My right hand ring finger has four lines - five if you include the one at the base. I firmly believe that it's proof positive I'm an alien. I've met two or three other people like this, and they've all been delightfully odd.

5. When I'm particularily irritated at someone - usually a random stranger or a coworker - and doing absolutely ANYTHING about it would be pointless, I will start humming (or singing) an arabic tune that I used to sing at Eid.  I can't remember what the heck it means, and I'm usually through a rendition or two before I realize it, but it's very soothing. Let's see if I can try to write it out.

Nur-ul-Muhammed sa-lah-lah

I'm sure I butchhhhhered the transliteration (besides the fact that I'm not even sure I'm singing the actual words!) but still. That's it.

6.  I can walk on the sides of my feet.  Basically - I can turn my feet inward far enough that the bottom of my feet are facing each other, and then walk. *gets up to double check that I can still do it* *sighs* I'm getting old - it's not nearly as comfy as it was when I did it as a child and drove my mother and grandmother crazy (I would wear down the OUTSIDES of my shoes rather than the bottom) but I can still do it. Huh. I bet that hyperflexibility is why I've sprained my ankles sooooo many times.

There ya go. Six odd, weird, slightly twisted things about me.  If  I was in an especially evil mood, I'd tag people, but I get to leave work in FOUR minutes, and that makes me a cheerful bonny.  Tag yourself (and my mind immeadiately shifted to thinking - "that almost sounds like I'm telling ya'll to touch yourself - am I telling my readers to jack/jill off?).  Anyhow - take it however you like. ;)


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