Friday, July 21, 2006


I just got a notification in my junk mail that the electronic shipping label for my henna was created, and it should have shipped out yesterday. Dammit! I knew I should have ponied up the extra loot to get it here earlier.

Well. Since I won't be henna'ing this weekend, I suppose I should dedicate myself to stripping the last of the wallpaper off the walls of the craft room. That way, I can lesuirely (and guiltfreely) henna myself NEXT weekend. Hmmm....maybe I'll even take Friday off - just to give myself a three day weekend (in case I need to Henna twice!) That way, I can henna on Thursday night, sleep in it (cuz I'm hardcore yo!) and give it a chance to oxidize, and STILL be able to redo it on Sunday if needed. *vaguely happier*

*quivering pouty lip*

Danggone it!

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