Wednesday, July 5, 2006


So - this is going to be harder than I expected. I suspect that I will have to cut down on my protien - or break down and start eating the processed versions. 
See - a large part of me changing my eating habits/patterns is because I am on a path of becoming more natural. I'm working with my natural hair, I'm going organic in the garden, I'm trying to use as few chemicals in the house as possible - just in general - I'm trying to green my life. And eating stuff that I can grow/breed - is a LARGE part of that. So, I'm rather - reluctant to break down and get the ultra-processed protien in order to hit my numbers. Blech. 

Anyhow! Didn't eat nearly to plan today. Well, that's not true - everything I ate WAS on plan - I just didn't eat nearly enough. 

I woke up around 7:30, got to work around 8:15, had a cup of coffee (with a teaspoon of dried milk - nonfat - in it - I figured anyway I can sneak even a tiny bit of protien in, the better). Didn't eat breakfast - told myself it was because I didn't exercise this morning. Ummhmm. 
Around noon, had lunch - one serving of the Chicken Dijon Potato Salad. It was actually pretty good - sitting overnight CERTAINLY helped it. I would use less mustard next time though. 

Around 3, the thought started nudging me that I needed to eat - but I got 'involved' in something, and was convienently busy. My plan was to have an apple, and some peanut butter, and maybe a bit of cheese then. 

Got home, dicked about in the garden for a while, then came in and made myself this HUGE salad, with 8oz of pork on it (ugh!) and two slices of toast with some fat-free cream cheese. Only finished half the salad, and about 3'4 of the meat - I gave the rest of the salad to hubby. 

Have had two 32 oz of water.....and a lite beer, and a glass of wine. Ahhhh.... 

Overall scoring? 

Car: 65g
Fat:  63g

Not too bad!! I plan on having a couple of the Eggies for dessert  (2g Pro/11 calories) and I don't know....maybe some tea!! I've got wiggle room for almost any high protien/mid fat/mid carby item.....but, I really don't think I can eat another SOLID bite. (One benefit of the Eggies - they are light and soft). 

This is really going to require a SERIOUS reworking of how I think about food - what I palce values on. After the years of lowcarbing, and the deeply ingrained resistance to fat  - it's - interesting - actually eating - right. Yummy, too.

So - one other thing that I have picked up on pretty quickly to judge a food/meat.  Anything I get - fat grams need to be half of either carb grams or protien grams. So - for instance, when I was grocery shopping yesterday - it was EASY to figure out what kind of sausage I needed to get - the one with 12 g of P and 6g of F!  The same goes for almost everything - it should either be carb heavy, or protien heavy, and light on the fats. In addition, that insures that my ratios are always good - if I reduce the serving size, I reduce the ratio at the same time. 

Umm - what else have I learned on this first day of eating healthy and consiously. The food tastes pretty damn good - though the salads will be better when it's home grown veggies in them. I don't have to deny myself (of much - chips, I've totally sworn off of, as well as fast food - but dammit, that's just eating HEALTHY).  I think my hair is going to grow faster - between the vitamins and the protien! Oh! The vitamins - I totally scored at the grocery store and found two bottles of CHEWABLE Centrum! How cool is that? So - I've been taking one of those right before I brush my teeth. 

Hmm - what else? My horoscope today seemed to have good words for me: 

Dear Kiya,
Here is your horoscope
for Wednesday, July 5:

Once you firmly commit yourself to change, you'll take off in your new direction as if you had rockets strapped to your feet. So what are you waiting for? Get to that launch pad and start the countdown, already.


*grins* I'm jsut waiting for my keycard! Okay - honestly, even if I get it tomorrow, I not going to GO til Monday - but I WILL work out on Sat and Sun on the Gazelle while hubby is at work. Or - maybe I'll walk up to the community center, and see what sort of stuff they have going on up there.

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