Sunday, July 9, 2006

Godly Thoughts

It's interesting - I've been thinking about how to explain - faith and God and religion - to future kidlings - and realized that - I don't believe in the 'classic' concept of God.  But then, for some reason, the thought 'God helps those who help themselves' drifted into my mind today. Along with - Thou art God - which I always vibed with, but never fully grokked. *smiles* But - analyzing those two things  - led me to -  in order to get anything done - you have to help yourself. 

Am I God? No - but - I reflect my God - my - vision of God.  

If I believe that I have a just, fair, loving God - then my every act should be just, fair and loving.  I AM God in that I represent God in the only way that humans can really connect to God - in their minds & spirits.  I am not God in the form that I have powers to control all - but then, I don't really believe that my God(s) control all.  I believe that - they are (usually) a shining example of how to be the best human possible - and in that way - I can become godlike. 

More mulling over this is required..... I'm just randomly gushing things onto the page.

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