Saturday, September 9, 2006

Sheeshh - it's been a while.

Let's see - went to Atlanta last weekend, and picked up some Amla and Shikakai - neither of which I've used yet. Did Henna #6 Monday, since I took most of the week off, and am sitting here with Henna #7 in my hair now.

I was VERY naughty with my hair this week - left it out, most un-moisturized, nappy, nappy, NAPPY all week. Wore a pufro on Friday when I went to work, and am henna'ing it today. Interestingly enough, when I'm at home, I play with my hair a LOT less, so I didn't feel QUITE as bad about leaving it out - but the tangles, sweet heaven, the TANGLES and KNOTS!! Sheesh - though, of course, the fact that I didn't do a GOOD DC after Henna #6 (koHumectress & Honey - I've given up on the koHumectress alltogether - it's not thin enough to really moisturize, and it's too thick to provide slip) didn't help much either.

I haven't settled into an at home routine of any sort, so I was also negligent with my vitamins. *shakes head*

Soooo..... really, I haven't been doing much, hairwise. I've been busy - we are FINALLY painting the house, so thats been taking up a lot of previously lounging about lazytime. I need to read up on Amla & Shikakai - I need to double check and be sure that they can be safely used on previously color treated hair - after all this work I've done, the last thing I want to do is accidentally melt all my hair off *shudder*.

In general hair news - it's DEFINITELY growing. Definitely - I can see a distinct difference in length loose, and I think I'll be pleased to see what it looks like once I've twisted it. I have also - FINALLY - been able to see a difference in my root color - still dark as all get out, but I can see the reddish undertones (or should that be overtones??). Dangit! I had to give back the camera that I was using, so I haven't been able to take pictures in a while. I reallllly need to get a new camera.

*sigh* Why does the back of my neck ALWAYS drip the worst? I'm wondering if I should try double papertoweling - one section really low in the back, another higher up in the front, as going over my ears usually pulls the back up too high. Or - I could do some sort of fancy cutout. *wipes honey tinged henna from back of my neck* Yeah, I'mma have to figure SOMETHING out.

ETA: I've also been thinking about trying to make some amla cayenne oil using the amla powder. I would mix both together about equally, add about 4 times the oil, and simmer it for a few hours - then I'd add some of the rosemary oil I have to it. *wiggles eyebrows* just the thought it making my scalp feel good. If I still had some loose henna powder, I'd toss that in too. Maybe, maybe.....

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