Thursday, September 28, 2006


Oddly enough, despite the fact that I am anal, I can't stand anal people. Maybe it's anality that hasn't been explained to me that irks me. If I understand why you are being such an asswipe, I jsut might appreciate it more.  Maybe.

Work (continuing in the vein I started with) is well. Let's just say I spend 12 dollars a week on powerball simply so that I can escape this soulsucking hellhole. I feel rather guilty sometimes, whinging over the lack of - anything - at my job, rather than having concrete idiocy to whine about. Though, maybe I paint things with too rosy of a brush, and this stuff really IS stupid. Either way, I'm still here, still wishing that I wasn't, counting down the months remaining until I am free.

The house - the house is slowly becoming a home. This weekend, the game room should be DONE (which gives us not only a game room, but also a dining room, as all the crap that should be in the game room is currently taking up 1/4 of the dining room) and sweet mother of God herself, a living room. All that is left to do in both rooms is bottom trim and the doors - and I WILL get those done this weekend. Hub was supposed to do the bottom trim in the game room yesterday, but he had to do the DMV duck hunt instead, so. Well. I'm efficient, they'll be done. If for no other reason than I am sick - SICK, I tell you! - of living in 1/3 of the space of the living room because everything is pulled 3 feet away from the walls.

I'm working out and eating right (again, for the 15hundreth time in my short life) and utterly refusing to weigh myself for love or money. I finally broke down and got a *gasp* personal trainer (who isn't really all THAT personal, as I'm in a 'group' with two other people - a lovely 72 year old woman named Jane, and a future med-school student named Justin) but it's not that much, and I know that it will be useful, and dammit, spending a few hundred dollars for health isn't that bad. I wonder if I can get reimbursed through my health care plan. I doubt that I can, just - well, just because any HMO paying for actual PREVENTATIVE care would be - well, it would be too much like right.

I'm half-assedly charting - more so keeping track of my periods and when we do the wild thang than anything else. I 'supposed' to be ovluating around now, so tonight I'm going to go home and spit on the little lens and see what it tells me. We are waiting until March to really START trying, but we are enjoying the practice. Though, hubby pouts each time I tell him we need to use a condom (which isn't ALL the time) and I just laugh. Mwhahahaa! March, you horny man you, MARCH!

I'm such a slackass OD'er lately - I've been trying to note more (which ain't much, considering my track record of noting) to make up for the half assed writing that I do, but well.... life is so - so - level and balanced that I tend to not have much to talk about.

I do keep threating to combine the *thinks* 4 different journals that I have scattered around on 3 different sites into one (body, spirit, hair, life), but I haven't come up with a way that I'm happy to do it - either here or on LJ - so I'mma keep waiting.

Because, I'm anal, ya know?

If you think you might be anywhere near the Midsouth the next to last week in October - take a gander at the previous entry. Or, just gimme an email address, and be suprised.


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